*** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** profile picture

*** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester ***

A wake. Shake dreams from your hair, My pretty child, my sweet one. Choose the day, & the sign o

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Well to start I am a big horror fan. I live in The Bronx. I have alot of different interests. Love to goto the movies and concerts when I can. I make jewelry, candles, lotions & oils and have an online store for it. Clicky the banners below you won't regret it.


My Interests

Movies, music, special effects make-up, ghosts, different world religions, animals, different cultures, jewelry, art, books, forensicsMy Hot Men Collection ;o)
- Tool Lyrics ..

I'd like to meet:

Clive Barker, Johnny Depp, Chris Cornell, Ryan Reynolds, H.R. Giger, Eric Balfour, Trent Reznor, Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell, Doug Bradley, Billy Wirth, Rick Baker, Dick Smith, Stan Winston, Kevin Yagher, Al Pacino, Tim Burton, George Romero.... As in reference to this site some new online and maybe offline friends and if anything else happens then it happens.

Create your own Friend Quiz here


lyrics - nine inch nailsNIN, Mudvayne, Soundgarden, Bjork, Sevendust, Tool, Audioslave, STP, Slipknot, Disturbed, Danny Elfman, Nirvana, Mozart, The Doors, Godsmack, Metallica, Killswitch Engage, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Sepultura, David Bowie, Static -X, Ozzy, Korn, Stone Sour, Chevelle, System of a Down, Pantera, Deftones, Stabbing Westward, A Perfect Circle, Pink Floyd, , basically anything in the rock, metal, etc areas.


A Nightmare on Elm Street 1-7, Evil Dead 1-3, Night of the Living Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1-4, Dawn of the Dead, Hellraiser 1-4, Candyman, Juon, Subspecies 1-4, Halloween 1-7, Ravenous, Day of the Dead,The Departed, Goodfellas, The Doors, 28 Days Later, Dead Alive, Battle Royale, Nightbreed, Friday the 13th 1-9, The Shining, Fight Club, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Wolfman, Bubba Ho-Tep, Ginger Snaps, The Crow, American Werewolf in London, Near Dark, Demons, Opera, Warlock, Deep Red, Night of the Demons, Slumber Party Massacre, Fright Night, Videodrome, Ring, Audition, Tomie, Cabin Fever, Dead Alive, Susperia, Donnie Brasco, Blow, A Bronx Tale, Star Wars, Thirteen Ghosts, The Thing,The Corpse Bride, Strangeland, Zombie, The Hills Have Eyes, Freddy vs Jason, Puppet Master 1-5, The Dead Hate the Living, Legend, Donnie Darko, Dracula, Frankenstein, Lord of Illusions, April Fool's Day, Witchboard, Sleepaway Camp 1-3, Muppets in Space, The Crazies, Sangre Eterna, The Devil's Backbone, Cannibal the Musical, The Howling, Junk, Hellboy, House of 1000 Corpses, Jaws, Adventures in Babysitting, The Ref, Chocolat, The Man Who Cried, Sleepy Hollow, From Hell, Blow, Night of the Creeps, SLC Punk, My Cousin Vinny, The Burbs, Boondock Saints, Pirates of the Caribbean, Interview with the Vampire, Constantine, Blade Trinity .... Basically any horror. There are other movies like action, comedy and drama that I like as well. But horror is my main. Here is my dvd list : http://lunablix.dvdaf.comYour results:
You are Princess Leia Princess Leia 71% Obi-Wan Kenobi 69% Luke Skywalker 68% An Ewok 68% Padme 63% Yoda 63% R2-D2 63% Chewbacca 60% Qui-Gon Jinn 60% Han Solo 59% You are an excellent friend
and an unselfish person,
yet you like to spend a lot of
time on your hair and fashion.
You spend most of your time
with guys that are too cocky,
too hairy, or too related.
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
Click here to take the "Which Star Wars character are you?" quiz...
Which Horror Movie Character Are You? (Many Options)
You are Regan, from "The Exorcist." You freak.
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You scored as Freddy Krueger. (From the movie Nightmare on Elm Street)

Freddy Krueger


Ghost Face


Jason Vorhees


Michael Myers



What famous horror movie character are you?
created with QuizFarm.com My score on The Horror Movie Victim Test :
The Final Girl
(You have a 88% chance of surviving!)
You're going to see the sunrise! You may have slipped and fallen a few times when there was nothing to trip on, but you've also been attacked by the killer and still found the moxie to decapitate and burn his body in a pyre. You're still at risk if you didn't hit 99% though, because there's always the temptation to take a relaxing canoe ride on the lake when you think your work is done, and THAT's when he'll come back to life and nail you. Stay on your toes, and never let anyone convince you he's really dead, and you'll live. You may go insane, but that's okay! You'll be the villain before you know it, and indestructible as all hell.
Link: The Horror Movie Victim Test ( OkCupid Free .. Dating )


21 JUMPSTREET, Supernatural, Smallville, The Dead Zone, Oz, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Dead Like Me, Jeff Corwin Experience, Inked, Law & Order SVU, Married With Children, Tales From The Crypt, Millennium, Dexter, Heroes


Abarat 1 and 2, Books of Blood, Theif of Always, Hellbound Heart, Wilderness, The American Night, Slaughter House Five, Breakfast of Champions, Galapagos, forensic books, Pet Sematary, Carrie, Christine, movie books


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My Blog

Death To Remakes

Over the pass few years it seems that remakes have become all the rage. The whole trend of horror remakes have gotten out of hand. Recenty I found out that A Nightmare On Elm Street is being remade. T...
Posted by *** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 02:41:00 PST

I Don’t Get Why People Sell Themselves

And no not in the naughty way either. I am talking about both guy & girls that feel the need when talking to someone tell them how much they have money wise and material wise. As if the fact that ...
Posted by *** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 01:40:00 PST

Why Is Being Different Bad?

I don't get why being different is a bad thing. Probably because I am just that. One thing I get asked alot is why to almost everything. The HorrorOne is why do I like horror. When I answer because I ...
Posted by *** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:36:00 PST

What I Want

I can't seem to get the one thing I want the most. I just want to find a guy already. I thought I did but it turned out to be false. It's not like I am asking for a lot when it comes to this. What I w...
Posted by *** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 10:18:00 PST

3 Libras Lyrics

This is my love life or lack of one in a nutshell.Threw you the obvious and you flew with it on your back a name in yourrecollection down among a million samedifficult not to feel a little bit disappo...
Posted by *** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 04:05:00 PST

No More Heart

I decided to just give up. If I don't have a heart then I can't get hurt anymore. I thought I found someone. He is still in my heart and will be there forever. It just seemed right. Sad part is we hav...
Posted by *** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 09:55:00 PST

Letter To A Famous Scary Guy (Mad Libs)

Dear Mr. Kurosaki:You are my favorite Hollywood ramrod because you have done so many pickled horror films. I love you in "The Slippery Museum" and "The Naked Mole-Rats From  The Goulag" and "The ...
Posted by *** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 10:10:00 PST

Craft Show Stress

So all weekend long I've been making candles and jewelry. The candles are being a pain in the ass because I had to use a new wax since my other wax I ordred was out of stock and this wax is difficult ...
Posted by *** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** on Mon, 28 May 2007 06:10:00 PST

The Almost Abduction Story

I was walking home from the store the other night and I someone honked their horn so I ignored it and kept walking. I get to the next block and was just about home when someone honked their horn so I ...
Posted by *** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 08:45:00 PST

My Birthday Adventures or Misadventures To Be More Precise

I think I'll start with saturday night at the bar. It was Amanda, Tracey and me. We get in there and it seems that the place is packed. But it just seemed that way. All these people were just jammed a...
Posted by *** Luna (Little Fucker) Winchester *** on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:24:00 PST