Chelsea profile picture


Your introduction to destruction.

About Me

skeptics click here.
more stuff HERE.
and click here to
watch another video! yay!
part ONE...
My name is Chelsea. I know who I am...and I'm proud of it. You probably know who I am, too. Mat Musto owns my heart. Polaroid owns your life. I used to live in a city called Naples. If you live there, you probably know me... and if you don't, you probably know who I am, and if you don't, you've probably heard the stories... So, let's clear the rumors from the truth. First of all, you don't need to know how old I am...but I'm pretty short for my age. I love being short and I think it goes along with my personality, since I'm really outgoing and energetic. Sometimes I'm too fucking nice. I know that, okay? I tend to let people take advantage of me. I wish I could be totally 100 percent honest to everyone's face every second of the day, but I am too nice to do that...but I'm working on building a thicker skin. I'm constantly cold...and I officially shiver at 73 degrees. (indoors.) And yes, they're real. (my eyes.) I love pasta more than I can express. I recently moved to the seventwoseven area, Florida. I plan to take over it in the next twelve months. However, I doubt I'll need that long.Everytime I get into a relationship with someone, something or someONE interferes and ultimately fucks it up. I've lost countless people to shitty situations. I'm single for now. I dare you to change that. ;] You probably won't be able to handle me.As for my history... I used to go to BCHS...I was Advanced Women's Choir. Now I'm enrolled at East Lake High, and I sing in the Advanced Choir there. I love singing, and I wouldn't trade my voice for anything. (Sorry, Little Mermaid.)...well...except maybe a better voice. I miss my old program/director, Mr. Peterson, to death. Going to Italy with you all was an experience I will never forget for as long as I live. It's hard to sing in another choir without you guys. :( Up until recently, I've been extremely insecure about everything about myself...and then I got lucky with an acute "eating disorder" (as referred to by a lot of people who care about me.) and a bad case of the flu, so I didn't feel like eating much, and I lost 20 pounds. I don't make myself throw up, so I'd love it if people would stop saying that.
part TWO...

It makes me fucking sick sometimes the way people wanna put themselves into a category, or pretend to like/hate certain things to make themselves cool. I know I'm not cool and I don't care. I like what I like because I like it and I don't give a shit if you think it's "dumb." Yeah, designer shit is great but I think it's stupid as fuck to go out and buy a plain white tee shirt for 100 dollars because it was made by a certain company, when you could get the same thing anywhere else for 10. I think that fashion is what you make it. If you have the confidence and the fucking balls to wear a dress out of paper, you can make it look just as fabulous as a dress spun from threads of pure gold. You can't let your clothes carry you, you have to carry your clothes...or you may as well forget them altogether. Makeup, too. Brushes are great, but sometimes I love to use my hands to apply makeup...I'm not afraid to touch. I believe saving certain things for a special occasion can get boring. Don't waste your time and your money wishing you could wear something, wear it. If you want to do something crazy with your makeup, do it. Show no fear. If something is truly how you feel inside, and you express it outwardly in your appearance, it will never be recieved poorly. Bad fashion happens when people stop listening to themselves. Bad music happens when it doesn't come from the heart.
part THREE...
Life, to me, is about feeling...not thinking. Life is about hearing every wonderful sound and seeing every gorgeous thing out there. It's about exploring and touching and smelling and tasting everything wonderful and exciting. I love love, and I love pain because it's an emotion. I even like physical pain (to a certain extent...) because it makes me feel alive. I'm really emotional and sensitive. The smallest things can make me feel amazing, or tear me to the lowest low. Some people would want to change this because the pain is so unbearable, but the truth is, when something feels good, it's incredible...and I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't plan a lot because I like everything to fall into place as it goes along. I fantasize a lot, but I never plan. Fantasizing is the creative version of thinking. I love it. I don't see myself as an artist, more as a mass of emotion, feeling, sensitivity and color put together to resemble a human. I know I'm gonna do something special in the future...I just don't know what that is yet. Until then, I'm just living every day to the fullest to try to feel everything I possibly can. I'm not afraid to admit that I'm enthralled with the lifestyles and customs of those who are different than I am. I want to learn and grow through the knowledge and understanding of other cultures and walks of life, as well as helping people understand my own personal views. I want people to have an open mind and an open heart. I want to be able to walk down the street and say "hi" to every person I see, and I want them to know my name. [and they will.]
Hit me up. Maybe I'll get you back...
After all, I'm here
via hiptop .
Want my aim? ASK FOR IT...just like everyone else.
I don't edit my pictures!
I don't wear colored contacts!
I'd feel dishonest if I did.
My eyes do change depending on the
situation, mood, and lighting.
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My Interests

Crush this person!


I LOVE MUSIC. If it wasn't for music, I'd be dead. Honestly. I'm a singer, so like I is a really big deal to me. And to be completely truthful, I listen to almost every kind of music except country. I am a very outgoing, hyper, and social person. I'm sorry if I'm a little too forward, out-of-control, or insane for you. Haha...I can't stand being alone.

I'm not undercover about anything at all because I am up-front, and I'm direct. I don't take an easy way out and talk about people behind their backs, because I don't need to. I've got too much to do, and not a long enough life to do it.
You're only young once.
Beauty fades.

"I've never seen anyone love makeup as much as you do, or the way that you do, Chelsea."
- Mom.
YES, I wear makeup. Of course I do. I'm a girl, and makeup interests me. That's one of the things I wanna do as a career. Got a problem with it? Too bad. One side of my family is composed almost completely of cosmetology school graduates [my own mother even attended] a taste for makeup and hair is in my blood. The other side of my family is musical, so the being gifted in both worlds comes naturally; frankly, I couldn't have asked for better genes. I'm addicted to appearances. I'm also a perfectionist. Since nothing can ever be perfect, I know my high standards are my tragic flaw. I can't help but stare at myself in every reflective surface. It's not because I think I'm beautiful, [becauseidon't.] it's because I'm constantly trying to perfect myself. I'm incessantly trying to come up with new ways to change my look. I dye/cut my hair dramatically at times. I believe your appearance should be something that you're proud of. It should be something that expresses everything you feel inside. I want everyone to hear my face. [apparently, I must have a lot to say.] I guess it's somewhat true, what they're attracted to people a lot like yourself. I am extremely attracted to androgynous boys, or guys that wear makeup. I can't really explain it, it's really strange. Androgyny has always fascinated me, even from a very young age. The boundaries of gender are so constricting, so unecessary. Everyone should be able to express themselves, no matter their sex, forever daring to push the envelope and blur the line between femininity and masculinity in a way that comes out as beautiful rather than boy or girl. Beauty has no gender. It has no definition. It is up for interpretation. It is an equal opportunity employer. I love when girls wear way too much eyeliner. I love the final outcome of your taking too long to get ready. It will be worth it to me. I love glamour. I only wish it would love me back.I see myself as a person with makeup. That's how I feel like I [should] look. I express myself through many different avenues, including my makeup. Therefore, I don't consider myself fake. the end. ;]

and friends, of course.
and looking really shitty in comparison to them, obv.

click here.
In many countries, impovershed children are sent off to war every single day. We really need to change this.

I'd like to meet:

I've already met them.

Except Lauren.

My E-BFF...and quite possibly the best thing to happen to me since I got a myspace..

and maybe you...?

Leave me a voice comment!! :D

and please don't leave me voice comments pretending to be other people.
because this is what happens...

yes, I will find out. ;]

click here.


i started this... but then i realized i'd never be able to finish it. i listen to everything that i feel is worth listening to. every kind of rock, some pop, trip-hop...etc...

and I try to support bands in their musical endeavors as well. :]




creature feature.

mary magdalan.

This week, it's probably Sneaker Pimps.


Everything Tim Burton does.
Everything Johnny Depp does.
Lauren's videos.
Cruel Intentions.
Cruel Intentions.
Cruel Intentions.

Snakes on a Plane!




Basically everything on [adult swim]
Laguna Beach...

Criss Angel - MINDFREAK
The Daily Show
The Colbert Report



[Duhh...she's my bff.]
Jason. :]
...need I say more?
Click the link to go to his myspace.
He is my God.
No, but seriously I love that kid.
He's so amazing to talk to.
And he makes me laugh
when I'm pissed off at everyone.
And he was my show-attending buddy!
Add him,
he wants more friends, too.
She's fucking amazing. :]
I absolutely adore her,
to the ends of the earth.
Phil and Fernando .
My absolute heroes.
These guys brighten my day like nobody else.
You can't be funnier than them.
Don't try.
You will fail. :]
I love her to death!!
Chris. Click here.
The coolest fucking guy on Earth. :]
&&Raquel Reed.
Just because.
Christina Aguilera
musically, physically, mentally. This woman is impeccably brilliant, beautiful, and breathtaking. There is nothing more I could ever hope to be.

My Blog

AGAINST ME! Best day ever.

So.Last night I saw my best friend in the whole entire world.Norman and Kirsten picked me up in Tarpon to go see Against Me! in Orlando.This would be my second time seeing them live.Anyway, we got int...
Posted by CHELSEAWHOREGASM" on Sat, 26 May 2007 11:11:00 PST

Fuck this city

At first, things weren't so horrible. Now I wake up in the middle of the night in tears, I'm dreaming of you screaming in my face. I've never been so far in a place where everyone survives on lies. It...
Posted by CHELSEAWHOREGASM" on Mon, 21 May 2007 03:26:00 PST


  I know the imperfect surface all over your body every curve and push of your spine tingling chills up your neck hairs standing up straight on your head legs arms wrapped around nothing, empty...
Posted by CHELSEAWHOREGASM" on Tue, 15 May 2007 01:12:00 PST

So true.

  I can find something in everyone, but I can't find everything in someone.          ...
Posted by CHELSEAWHOREGASM" on Sat, 05 May 2007 01:32:00 PST

The Only Thing a Woman Should Chase is her Vodka...

The Only Thing A Girl Should Chase Is Her Vodka If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allo...
Posted by CHELSEAWHOREGASM" on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:55:00 PST

Why did my video turn out so blurry? :[

at least it's new! click!
Posted by CHELSEAWHOREGASM" on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 04:06:00 PST

Steve Stanton, groundation, hookah and a DJ in drag.

So yesterday around four thirty my time, I was taking a catnap on the couch when I got three urgent phonecalls from Michelle. She told me she was on her way over to pick me up for some radio event for...
Posted by CHELSEAWHOREGASM" on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 04:23:00 PST

In memory of TJ McPhee.

It's amazing how someone you don't even know can impact you so greatly, and change your entire perspective on life and the way you live it. TJ McPhee was a student at my highschool whose life was trag...
Posted by CHELSEAWHOREGASM" on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 07:32:00 PST


I  have almost come to resent everyone at this point. We're all hiding things. Even from the people we deem "closest" to us. I know so many people who will whisper the sweetest nothings in your e...
Posted by CHELSEAWHOREGASM" on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 05:51:00 PST

It's the TwentyFifth of February...

-looks at the date.-                       -ignores the date.-                   So...this weekend w...
Posted by CHELSEAWHOREGASM" on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 03:06:00 PST