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AnyThiNg tHAt MakeS mE cOmE MoRe ALiVE... MuZiK, pOeTrY, QuOteS, BoOKs, aRt, pHoTogRaPhY, PhiLoSoPhY, ReLiGioN, CuLTuRe, PsyChoLoGy, YoGA, bEaUTiFuL PeOpLe... ~~~~~"tHe mAiN gOaL of YoGa iS tO LiBerATe aNy hUmAn beiNg frOm SuffEriNg & tO bRiNg thEm to A pLaCe Of dEEp, LaStiNg pEaCe, & pUre, LiMitLesS hAppiNess."
happy people:)
AnYtHinG tHat mOtiVAtes mE To bE BetTeR tHaN MySeLF, bOggLeS mY MiNd, oR MakeS mE GiGgLe... WHat DreamS MaY CoMe, The NoteBoOk, EtErnaL SunShiNe Of tHe SpOtLeSs MiNd, ThE FiFtH eLeMeNt, RuN LoLa rUn, i aM Sam, SpAngLiSh, A wALk tO ReMemBeR, PoiNt BreAk, K-PaX, A MaN ApArT, AmEriCan Pie, CiNdeRaLLa mAn, GhAnDi, ForReSt GumP, ALoNg CaMe PoLLy, ThE LifE Of DaViD gALe, CoAcH CarTeR, RaDio, oUt Of tiMe, SiDDhaRtha, EnOuGh, JuSt mArRieD, CLosER, FinDiNg NeMo, ShReK, PaY iT foRwArd, JoHn Q, tHe CoNstAnT GaRdeNeR, thE SeCrEt, BefORe sUnRiSe, bEfOrE SuNseT, wAkiNg LiFe, PeaCeFuL wArriOr, tHe inConvEniEnT trUtH,...
oprah. discovery. animal planet. travel. health. national geographic. ~~~i rarely have the time for these lovely channels~~~
untethered soul. journey to self-realization. sacred contracts. light emerging. a path with heart. be here now. peace is every step. a new earth. man's eternal quest. teachings on love. this i believe. love freedom aloneness. the power of now. inspiration. anatomy of the spirit. wheels of life. don't sweat the small stuff. the greatest salesman in the world. the four agreements. the mastery of love. the invitation. the dance. the call. the tao of pooh. the best year of your life. a course in miracles. eat pray love. living buddha, living christ.
all the beautiful people in 3rd war countries that hang on. anybody that is willing to give their life for protection of another. jesus. mother teresa. martin luther king jr.. oprah. the dalai lama. paramahansa yogaananda. buddha. doctors. police. my family.