Frost profile picture


If You really love me You'll endure my world and all the chaos that comes with it.

About Me

I've never really been good at talking about myself. But I really wanted to try this on my own as I normally let friends do this sort of thing. What I'm really into is learning about different cultures, religions, and ways of life. I like knowing why people are into what they are into. I love seeing the passion in someone's eyes when they're doing something that they love. Getting lost in it. My faith is set to Wicca; but that's not all together accurate. For a while I was Wiccan and would've classified myself as one just fine and did for quite some time. But the more I learned the more I learned that I'm not entirely of Wicca. I looked into kemeticism which, like helenism is a reemergence of the ancient Greek faith, so is kemeticsm a reemergence of the ancient Egyptian faith in the modern world. I've come accross a couple of people that place this as their faith. Some are among the most honestly devoted people I've ever met. There are many of different faiths and styles that would wish they had such faith as these. Now, although I've a lot in common with them there are enough differences in my beliefs vs. those of kemetics that I truely can't define myself there. I have so many different beliefs that fall under so many different categories that I turely do belong in the 'other' category :). But trust me when I say that that doesn't make me wishie washie. I do stand behind what I believe in. I've very deep beliefs surrounding Goddess Aset *Isis* and when you're in my home you can't miss her. I follow Her ways and teachings and it's so interwoven into my daily life that unless you're really close you wouldn't be able to seperate my daily life from it but some if it is that which can be seen as very similar to many faiths today. I don't believe that magick as it's defined by most of mainstream Wicca as I have studied it is completely necessary to one's faith, if it makes you feel better and closer to Deity, fine; magick is like active prayer, for lack of a better way of saying it. I also don't believe that ritual or any combination of magick and ritual to be a necessary ingrained part of one's faith. Again, if that works for you, great, if greeting the sun every morning as it rises brings you closer to Deity, I'm all for it. Seriously. I know I'm sounding rather belittling but that's now how I mean it. I mean, lose yourself in Deity, Don't let anyone belittle or tell you what is right or wrong when it comes to your relationship with the Creator/Creatrix. If you see Deity in the ebb and flow of nature, cool, if you need the confines of a church and such, ok...right on...I believe that I should just be happy with the gifts I was given and work to make myself a better person from them. No book, hymn, or prayer could replace just plain adoration for Her/Him/Diety :) What else can I say that hasn't been said. I talk way too much, shut up those of you that know me *LOL*. I like to enjoy life, am something of a hedonist as I enjoy the pleasures of life. Reading a good book, though I've not been able to do that as much until recently, on to sex with the girlfriend, I enjoy pleasure, and wish my life filled with nothing but that. But as you can tell there are times when a lil pain isn't a bad thing. But that's another story :)...

The Toe Slicer
People Iced: Forty One
Car Bombs Planted: Sixteen
Favorite Weapon Shotgun
Arms Broken: Twenty Nine
Eyes Gouged: Thirty One
Tongues Cut Off: Twelve
Biggest Enemy: The Canadian Strangler
Get Your HITMAN Name
Clan of the Toredor
Artistic and maybe even a bit shallow, you belong to the clan of the Toredor. You have a keen eye for pretty things. The embrace is looked on as preserving all beautiful things for eternity. You are the sensual vampires that you hear people talk about that seduce to get what they want. This clan is the one thought of as being the spoiled sort who want to get what they want. However, you usually work right under the venture clan as they try to carry out their plans.
What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?
Child of Isis
Worshipers of this Goddess can trace their line of faith at least 5000 years; depending on your view of things. Known by Aset in Ancient Egypt, Isis was called the Goddess of the people willing to take female and male worshipers alike. She was known for Her beneavolence and willingness to bless and cleanse Her worshipers/children of all wrong doings and sins, a Mother Goddess not only for Her actions concerning Her son Horus but also in how very 'Motherly' Her energies are and how very protective of Her worshipers She is, and as the Goddess of Ten Throusand names for Her face could be seen in the faces of Goddesses around the world. Some today even see Her face in the Virgin Mary of the Catholic faith. Whether active in Her worship or not Isis is known to bless Her children daily; for all who call upon Her name.
Child of Isis Seal of Aset

My Interests

Ancient Egyptian Religion and Faith, Goddess Religions, Isis, Faiths and Religion, True Crime Stories, Net surfing, Vampire the Masquerade stories and the game bloodlines, Laurel K. Hamilton Books, Clubbing, Dancing, Music Everything but Country & Christian Music~, GAO Psy, Techno, Trip hop, Heavy Metal, Rap, R&B, Goth/Industrial, Feminine

Artwork: Art NOT porn...the female body is a lovely thing, Umm let's see I Love my cat, Mythological stories and legends, Magick ~yes I spelled it right~, Wicca/Witchcraft, Fetishes intrigue me ~get your mind out of the gutter you perv ~, Stories about Serial Killers, Paranormal stories.... ..

I'd like to meet:

Friends Networking OtherBesides this I would Kill, KILL I say, to meet Nicole Kidman *ok not kill kill...but you all get the idea :)* would love to meet Lacuna Coil, Enya, Faith and the Muse *their beliefs and mine are quite close from what I've seen in interviews not the only reason I like them but it's in there*, Chiasm, and any all of those listed in my 'friends' category for that matter, Shirley Manson is in there....of the deceased that have gone before but if the higher powers would let me meet. It's said that every Myth and Goddess and God are based on real people...If that is true I'd love to meet the woman that My Matron Goddess Isis is based on. Well that and somehow speak the language She would :). Cliff Burton so I could introduce him to my friend Tessa *winks*, Tori Amos *you know I would love to have coffee with her, coffee or tea, just sit and talk...Her and any of those listed here...just sit and talk for a THAT would be nice*


***But I will list a few of My favs***** ****Lacuna Coil...they're like a drug...listen to them and you'll be hooked******Chiasm...Her voice is so hypnotic...could listen all day....nuff said there :)***Collide...I get so lost in their music...I enjoy it that much******Switchblade Symphony...always a must listen******Faith & The Muse..find em...listen to them*******Tori Amos....poetry put to music******Depeche Mode...been a fan for quite some time******Enya...candles....bath....and listening to her...need I say more******Lords of Acid...if you know of their stuff...I wont have to comment*******Loreena Mckennitt...Goddess Blessed this woman..seriously*******Mediaeval Baebes...can't get enough of these Ladies....I was at work and a customer called in and was listening to the Salva Nos album..I asked him what he was listening to...and he told me the Mediaeval Baebes...and spelled it for me...was hooked from that point on******Moby...Dangit I listen to techno******Portishead...could darn near meditate to their music and get up and dance to it right after*******Dead Can Dance...Very Very Intoxicating******Siouxsie & The Banshees...Siouxsie did what she wanted and dared you to disagree....Her and The Banshees....if you don't have them in your it anyways******Soundtracks...this one is pretty self explanitory :)******Abigail...The techno version of Constant Craving still resides in my cd changer.******Garbage...OMG I LOVE THIS BAND******Ozzy Osbourne....Loved his music back when he paired up with Lita Ford...nods...yeah..remember that one? just buy it all till you got it all******Weird Al....he cracks me up..and he does what he does so darn well******Trance Compelations...y'all know what I'm talking about***$$$$$$$$$GENRES GO HERE$$$$$$$$$$$$$Goth/Industrial, Techno, Trip-Hop, R&B, Blues~a song here and there~, Metal, Meditative, SoundTracks, Classica~here and there~...


Most anything with Nicole Kidman in it *grinz* One could get lost in eyes like that. Basically I have no one and single 'favorite' movie. I like a good story. Plain and simple.


I watch fox when I watch TV, all these channels, and I watch fox; go figure :). I like the L word on Showtime, Penn and Teller's Bull Sh*t, America's Most wanted...stuff like that. I hate sports, I really do, watching a bunch of men in tight pants run up and down a field with a ball in thier hand trying to get to the other end isn't my thing. sorry :) I don't like watching it on t.v. I'll go to an event but on tv it's just plain boring to me.


Yeah, the general guy stuff *Need I say more?* But I also Love crime stories that really get into the investigation part of things. How they caught ted bundy, how they solved the b.t.k. killer case, etc. Being the faith I am you kinda can't get away from reading but I don't read nearly as much as I used to.

Your Political Profile
Overall: 15% Conservative, 85% Liberal
Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal How Liberal / Conservative Are You?
And, in case you missed the token 'general guy stuff' here ya go ;)



This is going to sound really cheesy but the heroes to me are people that really try, give it their best shot, fail, and still keep trying till they get it right. I Love that in a person. I've known people that get or have gotten ridiculed, teased, all for being different. They stuck to it through the teasing and the ridicule and the bullsh*t and hung in there. Many are very successful today. So yeah, my heroes and heroines are those that don't care what others think and just goes for it

My Blog


You know it's been awhile since I've blogged.    Thank You for all of you that read my words :).  You know who you are :).   Ok, earlier tonight i went to The Underground...
Posted by Frost on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 01:34:00 PST

Goddess Versus/And God

If you're like me then you like all things Feminine.  Hell, even many women, notice I didn't say all :), would agree with me when I say that women are just plain more beautiful than men. &nb...
Posted by Frost on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 08:43:00 PST

Christians Hell and satan

Today I'm going to teach and speak on Christianity.   As this is the faith of many it tends to be a touchy subject but I'm going to speak on it anyways.  For those of us that have been ...
Posted by Frost on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 06:13:00 PST

Kindness and Faith

There's something to be said about being kind even to your enemies.   This is something that everyone should think about.  As Wiccans we believe that all you do comes back to you three ...
Posted by Frost on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 07:58:00 PST

Goddess Made Her point

I am Michael I'm Wiccan I'm Kemetic I'm a son I'm a brother I'm a friend not necessarily in that order I'm a Priest of Aset A Sinner Just like everyone else A Saint as close as anyone else I'm a Man...
Posted by Frost on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 04:02:00 PST


I have many friends that are gay, some that are straight, and others still that are bi-sexual.  As I myself am straight I can understand gay women, I can relate to them because although lesb...
Posted by Frost on Fri, 05 May 2006 08:21:00 PST

Thoughts of Prejudice

There are many forms of prejudice from those that are racial to gender based in their reasonings.  One would think that as an African-American I could speak volumes about this sort of thing; but ...
Posted by Frost on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 03:29:00 PST


This is one of learning.  This is a blog that I wish to tell and teach about my personal path of Paganism and with the Goddess.  First, do I have an altar?  Yes.  Do I need one?&nb...
Posted by Frost on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:32:00 PST

Adding the Lust Section

Well, today I added the section called lust.  Some of it is saturated in images that are gateways of pornography while others are simply lovely.  It kinda started with my 'typical guy' ...
Posted by Frost on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 01:36:00 PST

The Female Body

Ok I just woke and I started surfing around my space.  Thing is what I saw was more appreciation, honestly artistic appreciation, of the female body and form.  I know str8 women and bi women...
Posted by Frost on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 08:31:00 PST