My name is EuDa (short for Eudaimonia) GrEeN and I am a woman who is currently building a successful promotions/networking business. When I say successful, I don't necessarily mean rich. I mean positive. The kind of positive that will make God proud of me.
Justice Osiris is my son and the 'CO' is me and the rest of my family. We hope to help keep your head on 'bobble', make you think a little (or a lot), make you laugh from time to time, and make you feel good ALL the time. ,-)
Here's something from my favorite poet in the Whole Wide World!
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On another note, I have recently been doing a bad job of trying to cheer a friend up (and not just because it is presumptuous of me to think I should be able to have a profound affect on a person with very little contact) ... If only. :) On 1.30.07 I ran across a blog that that person posted asking 'Is it okay to question God'? I usually avoid those kinds of questions, but I started to type something short and probably pointless, but before I knew it I had an answer I am truly proud of, so I'm posting it here:
I don't think it's wrong to question God, and I hope I never gave the impression that I think it is. I wouldn't be the woman of God I am now if I hadn't "questioned" God and the terrible things good people have to go through every day. I also hope I never gave the impression that I think I am "right" about what I believe. All I'm trying to say is that after being through a lot of what you've been through (including losing my mother to an early grave), I am approaching 33, somewhat lonely, but with a relatively healthy heart and I thank God for that! Yes I've been through so much that I can make myself cry at the slightest thought of just some of it, but every incident has helped to make me who I am, and what they didn't shape, I'm determined to make the best of.
I hope that didn't sound too preachy, but I'm too tired to think of another way to put it. I will rephrase a little by saying that no matter what the reasons, life beats us up, and if we let them people will beat us up too. I just can't see any reason why I should join in and start beating up on myself. That's it. I know you get hurt and angry and sometimes feel like you just want to explode and get it over with, but that's probably not going to happen, and your son would be very sad if it did, so you might as well make the best of it. Whether I'm right, wrong, or woefully deluded, I feel good most days and it's not because my life is easy. It's because I'm determined to enjoy my life no matter how hard it gets. Some days I will go to bed @ 5 in the afternoon just to take a break from the pain, but in the end MOST of my days will have been good ones, because I am determined to make them so! That's all I'm trying to say.
Again, I hope you take the best possible meaning from this, and give me the benefit of the doubt if I sound a little Bossy. :) I am certainly not trying to tell you what to do, I am just trying to tell you what has worked for me. I have been through a lot, but I still feel like my blessings, especially my son, have been so great that I can't not love the God I believe is responsible. In short, I think it's natural for a thinking being to ask questions, even of God. But I suspect we need to be using more than 10% of our brains to understand the answers. Do with that what you will and let's smoke one! Love ya! ,-)
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