tonyhayden profile picture


the position of ME has been filled, however YOU can still apply for the job of YOU

About Me


I'm guessing that the beginning is as hazy as the ending. However, like most good things the groovy things can be found in the middle. So the journey begins now. Every Monday there will be a new video-blog that will take all of us on some voyeuristic voyages and more than likely - spit us out here and there with a new understanding of ourselves. This is ME folks. All entries won't be gems - but they will add up to the big picture. An honest look at WHO we are by understanding the behaviors of others. THIS is my ME-ality show.

Come see my whole story at...

My Interests

chapter 105 - new year's santa monica pier

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chapter 100, Eiffel Tower

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Computers, dachshunds, music, biking, lifting, vlogging, parties, movies, protein, video cameras, sirius satellite radio, under armor, dance music, bluegrass music, chocolate, travel, Howard Stern,


favorites? MINE - all 48 continuous hours.


april 1, 2007

february 2007

myspace profile 2/07

big dog ! 2/07

nick @ donna summer 2/07

santa monica 1/07

LA Chinatown w/ Andre 1/07

ruko swimming summer 06

birthday 06 w/ artist Kat Coric

august 06 paul & andre

montreal pride 06

2001 amsterdam

jeffrey sanker and ellen

leatherball black&blue

birthday weekend 06 - montreal pride

friends I wish I see more of

paris november 06

ruko 10 weeks old

My Blog

Weekly Video Diaries

Find all of me at One full year of video diaries and MORE ! 
Posted by tonyhayden on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 02:29:00 PST