Pablo Sciuto es uno de los exponentes de la nueva canción uruguaya , artista investigador y explorador de nuevas sonoridades, a incursionado en varios estilos musicales y hoy en día se encuentra dedicado a fundir la tecnología con la tradición. Ha compartido escenario y colaborado con artistas de la talla de Leo Minax, Rita Tavares, Habana Abierta, Daniel Drexler, Gustavo Pena PrÃncipe, Tancredo, Jorge Galemire, Ana Prada, Carlos Chaouen, Jorge Drexler, Santiago Montoro, Samantha Navarro, entre otros. Su música a recorrido varios países de Europa y América Latina, radicado actualmente en España se encuentra a punto de editar "On" una mezcla entre ritmos electrónicos con sonidos puristas.
Citylandia (1998)
La Llave del Cielo (2000)
Tres Corazones (2004)
Cantigas de Mayo 2003 (con Chavela Vargas y otros artistas)
Cantigas de Mayo 2005 (con Quimi Portet (El último de la fila) y otros artistas)
Pablo Sciuto is an Uruguayan musician who like others captive with discs of brilliant and missing Eduardo Mateo, father of the Uruguayan fusion. Been born in a family of musicians, its native city began its formation at the beginning of the 90 in Montevideo, emphasizing its interventions in the prestigious club of jazz, Hot Club. Its music has taken to him to act in countries like Argentina, Brazil, Italy, France and Spain. In this last one one takes root at the end of year 1999, where a transformation in its composition begins, due to the interest by Brazilian musicians like Djavan, Lenine, Flavio Venturini, among others. In Spain it collaborates with musicians of the stature of, Leo Minax, Carlos Chaouen, Habana Abierta and Rita Tavares, in addition to to have win contest AMI and participated in the festival Cantigas de Mayo in his edition 2003. Tres Corazones is your first disc in Spain, is the summary by its roots, where it approaches with his guitar and voice, as diverse styles as, bossa nova, jazz, candombe and rumba.