horror movies, punk, travelling, dead things, sharks, zombies, vegan food, comic books, real books, the beach, my bike, breaking things, and of course drawings.
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Cock Sparrer, Misfits, Poison Idea, Minor Threat, The Adverts, Tragedy, His Hero Is Gone, Hellshock, From Ashes Rise, World Burns To Death, Signal Lost, Circle Jerks, Career Suicide, Ottawa, Nema, Dropdead, Left For Dead, The Swarm, GISM, Gauze, At The Gates, Carcass, Coffins, Moss, Evocation, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, Unleashed, Bolt Thrower, Dismember, Death, Crebain, 1349, The Abyss, Carpathian Forest, Funeral Mist, Ofermod, Ondskapt, Leviathan, Darkthrone, Nifelheim, Watain, Nuclear Assault, Anthrax, Testament, Destruction, Angel Witch, Judas Priest....
horror movie collectors are pretentious assholes
lost (time travel?! what the fuck?!), dexter
Hellboy, B.P.R.D., The Goon, The Marquis, Uzumaki, anything Seth Fisher, Geoff Darrow, or Charles Burns do...oh wait. You meant REAL books...oh ok..H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, Robert E. Howard, Stephen King, Thomas Ligotti, Ramsey Campbell, AUDIOBOOKS!
mad marc rude, shawn kerri, winston smith, gee vaucher, sugi, ed repka, dan seagrave and pushead.