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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I draw. I fight sometimes. I scream in my car. I ate 25 wings in 3 minutes once to score a box set of Family Guy DVD's, which I lost or let someone borrow. I try to wake up every morning feeling like I'm doing things right, to dodge that bullet of emptiness that comes when you realize youre wasting your time. I design toys for 6 year old girls and drink whiskey. I like the beach, but hate everything that lives in the ocean. Because they're all monsters. I would love to go on a quest. Or punch a zombie until it's head was a lump of meat or my hand was broken. Feel it. It's my dream to be one of only a few survivors of the apocalypse, so I can roll through the wasteland in a Caddy with the top cut off by a chainsaw, carrying a bottle of water, a sawed off shotgun, a samurai sword, and having my only companion be a wicked awesome dog named Chopper.I stick to my guns despite them not getting me anywhere, and 24 years of ingrained behavior, and despite all this, I am still worried that I will leave here without making more than an inconsequential, temporary mark.I think that Radiohead is over-rated, sometimes just to piss people off and that if I looked like Sam Elliot when I got old, that I would have lived a good life. Usually I'm nervous, talkative, and a nice guy with sweat issues, low self esteem and a penchant for mischief.

My Interests

When not eating like a wild animal, and hibernating in the winter I like to rock. Hard. Also drawing pictures. Occasionally dressing like a hired killer. Robots Vs. Zombies. Marvel's What If 50. Nerd outs. Games of Killer. Unicorns, they're pretty sweet. Watching fireworks. Hugs. Generally trying to be a good dude. Fight stories. Summer. Mischief. Social awkwardness. Video Games. Bikes, a lot.

I'd like to meet:

Jean Claude Van Damme, to punch him in the fucking face. The Predator (Not Ice Cube related). Lemmy. Sam Elliot, for drinks. No magicians,wimps and poseurs, clowns, or trained dancers, they're all relatively shifty.


Dragonforce,Lifetime, Jay-Z, HotWaterMusic,Weston,Snuff,Al Green,The George Baker Selection, Johnny Cash,Weezer, In Flames, FromAshesRise,The Avalanches,Redman,Freeway,NOFX,The Decemberists,The Motherfucking Time,Grade, The Beach Boys,Godspeed,Beaine Sigel,The Descendents, and The Boss. Seriously, these are my awful tastes. I'm sorry.


Ronin. LOTR. Ghost Dog. Ju-On. Old Boy. Tale of Two Sisters. Versus. Battle Royal. Give me Asian horror. Zombies. Garden State, becaue of three reasons. City of Lost Children. Adam Sandler original selection (No apologies for later works), Dirty Work, Office Space, Amelie, The Incredibles,Dawn of the Dead,Rad, Super Troopers, Children of Men, Real Genius, WetHot American Summer,One Crazy Summer, The Streetfigher,Wild Zero, North Shore.


Everything all the time whenever I can get it. Seriously. Only wingnut, pinko, commie jerks hate entertainment.


I have some, I'd like to have some more....thats where you come in. The Bible, mostly. 'Specially that part where Jesus fights the Sumerians with his laser hands and flying neck chops.


Wolverine as Lord of the Vampires. 'I Am Legend' pre Will Smith. Hellboy. Lovecraft. Chuck Norris, unhealthily and before that became a funny T-shirt (watch 'A Line in The Sand and not be moved, I fucking dare you). Dutch, from Predator. Laser, Turbo, anyone else with an extreme noun as a name, really. Jim Kelley. William Perry.

My Blog

Scavenger Hunt 2: Boogalloo, Electric. JUNE 23!

Dudes!Scavenger Hunt Part Motherfucking 2!Heres the deal, if you havent seen the post bombardments and event invites and flyers and nonsense.June 23rd.9 Am.Teams of 2-4.$2. Per person.No bikes or cars...
Posted by Justin on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:09:00 PST

On The Subject of My Absenteeism.

Hey.Friday. November 10th.7-9 PM.Higher Grounds.631 North 3rd St.My art and Alicias brilliance.I dont know if it's still applicable to post things here in this little pocket of nether, but, in case an...
Posted by Justin on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:16:00 PST

Hospital Beds and Hours of Lingo.

So. Typing is kind of hard. Because I have this blister on my middle finger. But that comes later. And involves golf clubs, a driving range and my grandfather being a boxer in the 40's and my Dad smok...
Posted by Justin on Thu, 25 May 2006 04:48:00 PST

Sc-Avenge Yourselves!

Not my shitty high school era ska band...although it probably would have been, if I learned to play my guitar better.So.For all of you who didnt get the flyer or show up at a LaSalle party of some sor...
Posted by Justin on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 07:06:00 PST

Chubby Summer.

Dearest OblivionouslyObvious, I just missed hitting u and instead I hit o. So the headline read: Chobby Summer. Plenty of people make spelling mistakes, but I didnt even think it was spelled wrong, i...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Proffesional bat trapper.

So. I'm stuck here. For a bit. I have spent all day drawing cartoon octopi and cobras. And for the last twenty minutes I taxed my brain, McGuyver like, trying to outsmart a tiny flying rodent. Ou...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What the fuck. I eat Chinese food and watch the Iron Giant.

It's fucking 2:48. In the morning on a Friday. It really warm here. Scorchingly, bone dry, sweat inducing warm. And totally awesome. I cant sleep, and my sinuses hurt. ODB sounds better when you...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The end of days of nights of Tuesdays. And why it gets cold in the winter.

So. Paragraphs ran and fell. There was musing on the ideas of time lived in lines and blocks of years. Stuff said about the inevitable change of brain chemistry every seven years, and the closing of...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The years are short, the days are long....If you know me read this...

So. Im feeling quite the fucking sap today. I dont know why...anybody ever get this shit? Like youre life is going too good in too many ways so you try and deconstruct it, hard. Taking out old hurtfu...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

'When it's a bad throw you gotta yell Junk." "I got Junk, you're Junk."-RIP, Cowboy.

Dear Cowboy, You smelled like 40 year old whiskey piss, but you yelled Oh really loud. And you mysteriously had a raquetball in your coat. I kind of think you might have been magic. Or really fucked ...
Posted by Justin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST