Rizzo profile picture



About Me


How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace editor .

My Interests

Photography, riding my bike, breaking shit and breaking more shit, sk8boarding, and of course; laughing at people.

I'd like to meet:

Jason Lee


minor threat, jaw breaker, danzig 1 and 2 (but nothing after 3), refused, international noise conspiracy, bleeding through, oldies, The Time, Billy Ocean- Get outta my dreams and into my Car, etc.


DC Cab,Pretty in Pink,Breakfast Club, pretty much any 80's movies, Clerks, Mall Rats, Valley Girl, Old School, The eye, Save The Green Planet, Ed and His Dead Mother, Dawn of The Dead and Day of The dead, Cripled Ninja, and old horror flicks. License To drive and any other Feldman/Haim Flicks.


Kids in The Hall, Threes Company, Whats Happening, Strangers With Candy, Golden Girls, the OC, Beverly Hills 90210, Family Guy, Tom and Jerry, the fucking A Team


Comics and anything with pictures


Bruce Campbell, me, Mr. T., John Hughes, William Fox Talbot because he is one of the inventors of photography and none told him he had to draw before he took any pictures.