Hey, check out Netparty events:
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1. Visit www.Netparty.com to sign up for our Email Invitation List, see more photos and find out about our next event!
2. Add us as a friend to receive the special offers we reserve for our MySpace friends.
What is a Netparty event?
A Netparty event provides an opportunity for young professionals to network with each other on a business level (we encourage you to exchange business cards) and to interact with each other on a social level.
- The first two hours of our events are like an extended "cocktail hour," with passed hors d'oeuvres at most events and low music to facilitate business networking.
Later, our events take on more of a social atmosphere, with great music, dancing and conversation.
Netparty networking events are held at the hippest venues; however, the music is never so loud that you cannot talk and the crowd is comprised entirely of young professionals.