My biggest interests are anything involving technology(cars & computers), science, politics(george bush must go get out and vote in 2008 to insure we end up with the right leader, one who cares for the people he or she leads and isn't in the white house for there own personal gain), or history. To learn is to grow I also love sports(as most males do) basketball, football, boxing, and baseball. I also love to workout and keep in shape. I play videogames to pass the time as well. I also love good food both cooking it, and dinning out. I have a passion for so many different things, like chess it has to be the best game ever invented. I could say so much more here but this would drag on and by now your tired of reading. So have you found me interesting yet? If so hit me up!!!
Anyone cool and interesting with a good sense of humor and intellect. I would also love to meet others with similar interests. I also want to find old friends, but making new ones is never a bad thing, unless they turn out to be fake people who aren't about anything meaningful, let me make it clear I am here to make friends real ones No time for fakes or drama!!! I am real and i'm about something so if your not keep it moving!!!! Now for those who want to know more about me and what i am about both business and personality wish fill free to write me, or let me know your interested. As I am sure you can tell by now i'm not your average male!!! I am on here to network and make friends with like minded people
Anything from hip hop, R&B, Jazz, some Classical and gospel, pretty much everything but hard rock. #1 SPOT (Ludacris)
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My favorite movies are the Long Kiss Goodnight, with geena davis, the whole series of friday movies with Ice Cube and Mike epps. I also like star wars. Action movies are my favorite, give me a good car chase and a few explosions any day. I also love movies that make me laugh and also thost that inspire deep thought. Oh and before i forget I like anime as well
My favoite tv shows are all of the CSI's, all of the law and orders & Boston Legal. I also love the sci-fi series stargate SG1 & stargate atlantis. I spend most of my television time viewing the discovery science channel, ESPN, G4TECH tv, CNN, or the SciFi channel.
anything by Tom Clancy, Stephen King, and Michael Criehten. The book currently holding my interest is called: Into the Storm by tom clancy. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
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My heroes are historical figures such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and abraham lincoln, because they stood up for what they believed in no matter the conseqence. some other heroes of mine are Thomas Edison, albert Einstien, and many more who contributed to the growth and enlighenment of the world. Another hero of mine is myself i have been down before, but like the mythical Pheonix I rise form the ashes, and my fire shines brightly