This is what I like to do!(write)The Value of a Woman: Placed with love from, the which created me, I now understand how things are supposed to be. Equal I stand proud to be protected, loved, and free. A gift like no other I was created to lessen your struggle. Deep in thought I've wondered where's my place, but what I've seen has confused the true face. A value like non-other I'm surppose to hold strong, unique, and bold these things which have kept my world so cold. And still you feel the need to under appreciate me. So let me tell you how to value you this soul. First and foremost be careful how you hold this soul for a tear from the eye is counted and etched in stone. One from his rib and not from the feet so stop trying to walk all over the. Nor from the head so stop treating me inferior because with out one there is no superior. Created from the side so treat the as equal. Keep me next to your heart for love and affection for this value deserves your protection. Now past the light to enlighten the masses for every soul of a woman deserves her mansion with a King at her attention!
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When you receive this, say a prayer. That's all you have to do. There is nothing attached. This is powerful. Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards. Let's continue praying for one another.)Father, I ask you to bless my friends reading this right now. Lord, show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace & mercy. Where there is self doubting, release a renewed confidence in Your ability to work through them. Where there is tiredness, or exhaustion, I ask You to give them understanding, patience, & strength as they learn submission to Your leading.Where there is spiritual stagnation, I ask You to renew them by revealing Your nearness, and by drawing them into greater intimacy with You. Where there is fear, reveal Your love, and release to them Your courage. Where there is a sin blocking them, reveal it, and break its hold over my friend's life.Bless their finances, give them greater vision, and raise up leaders, and friends to support, and encourage them. Give each of them discernment to recognize the demonic forces around them, and reveal to them the power they have in You to defeat it. I ask You to do these things in Jesus' name.Passing this on to anyone you consider a friend will bless you both. Passing this on to one not considered a friend is something I know Christ would do.Be blessed!