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Mudd (R-Pa.)

I am here for Friends

About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
I've come to realize,nothing really matters in this world,as long as you act like a herd animal.People don't like when you stand up to them and make some noise!I am sorry,but I am far from being a bovine,a sheep,or a lamb...Take it or leave it...Most tend to leave it and people only see what they want.I'm a human being not a servant to be directed like a slave,to my master's every whim or ignored and taken for granted,for that matter.Be who you are and say what you feel,because those who mind,don't matter and those who matter don't mind.What about art,culture,chirping birds and stopping to smell the flowers?A LITTLE ON RACISM:“The collectivist mindset is at the heart of racism. Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than as individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups.” -Ron PaulRON PAUL in the POLLS: did you check this link

My Interests

Collecting WWII artifacts,foreign languages,tasteful music,automobiles,the great outdoors,and too many other things to list.I used to really enjoy the fall.It's not the same now,but it's still a beautiful time of year.Oh I forgot the wonderful state of Alaska!!!


"IN NO WAY DO I PROMOTE FASCISM OR THE SEEMINGLY LIKE TENDENCIES OF OUR GOVERNMENT OR THE NAZIS."Bikini Atoll...Believe that the swimsuit was named after these Islands?

I'd like to meet:

Not the perfect women but the perfect one for me and of course,Ron Paul!A true patriot!Who I'd like to meet: Hmmm?People who are intelligent and caring.We all get hurt or do the hurting ourselves.People who handle things well after the big fight or work to prevent disaster,are the people I'd do most anything for.You know.The ones who know what sorry really means. Forgiveness isn't for those who continue to do wrong,again and again...It's funny how those people never find their way out of the Labyrinth.Those that don't change for the better often change for the worse...What happens to them is often of their own doing.So,maybe they should be angry with themselves?You know the type...Those that are easily offended...Being easily offended,usually means they are the ones who are wrong and are empty inside.The kind that do wrong to you and then blame you for what they are responsible for...This is not for me...So have a heart and some soul...please...Don't they know God is watching?


Queen,Styx,King'sX,Weezer,Rammstein,Neil Young,Tesla,Alice Cooper,E.L.O.,Kansas,Billy Squire,Jackyl,Metallica,Megadeth,Toto,BeeGees,Beatles,Asia,S quirrel Nut Zippers,Supertramp,Train,Billy Joel,Elton John,Little River Band,Audioslave,Boston,Bad Company and many more,not necessarily in that order....mostly good rock and roll.


Downfall,Saints and Soldiers,Forrest Gump,and too many others to list.


History channel of course when I can,Heroes,Grey's Anatomy,Lost....because I still am.


If I was in the Fatherland back in the thirties I'd say burn most of them...but as I believe in freedom and love to learn I say keep'em but be very careful what you read and how you understand it. I like many books but my favorite is still the Bible(good history if you believe). GOTT MITT UNS!


George Washington,George Custer,George Patton.....I do like a lot of people with the name George....Josef Dietrich(another fine military general),Erwin Rommel,Marlene Dietrich(her thoughts on Irish women),Nikola Tesla,Ron Paul(R),Gene Stilp(D),King's X and oh yeah Jesus is pretty cool too. Dobermans are a great breed!

My Blog

End the Ethanol Scam

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: NaomiaDate: May 21, 2008 4:35 PM----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Irish American PatriotDate: May 21, 2008 1:27 PMSour...
Posted by Mudd (R-Pa.) on Wed, 21 May 2008 01:38:00 PST

31,000 scientists reject ’global warming’ agenda

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Republican Liberty Caucus Of TexasDate: May 20, 2008 11:06 AM31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda'Mr. Gore's movie has claims no i...
Posted by Mudd (R-Pa.) on Tue, 20 May 2008 08:12:00 PST

How a GOP conspiracy continues to cheat Ron Paul

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: TATØNKA" (Native American Bullet)Date: May 20, 2008 10:56 AMHow a GOP conspiracy continues to cheat Ron Paul ofron paul(Here is a note in a ...
Posted by Mudd (R-Pa.) on Tue, 20 May 2008 08:00:00 PST

What is a Neo-Con? Ron Paul naming names!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Designed ChaosDate: May 14, 2008 2:07 PMRE: Ron Paul Exposes Neocons & Their Agenda----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: K...
Posted by Mudd (R-Pa.) on Wed, 14 May 2008 11:20:00 PST

Ron Paul Revolt!!!

Posted by Mudd (R-Pa.) on Tue, 13 May 2008 10:57:00 PST

Honeybee Colony Collapse to Devastate Food Companies

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Eddie NWO CensoredDate: May 12, 2008 2:51 PMHoneybee Colony Collapse to Devastate Food Companies, Result in Food Scarcity Natural NewsMonday, ...
Posted by Mudd (R-Pa.) on Mon, 12 May 2008 11:58:00 PST

The Ticking Credit Card Time Bomb

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Eddie NWO CensoredDate: May 12, 2008 1:43 PMUS National Debt as of May 12th 2008Who is paying for your credit card and tax rebates? CHINA  KN...
Posted by Mudd (R-Pa.) on Mon, 12 May 2008 10:48:00 PST

REAL ID Hearing at Scranton University (May 8,2008)

Panel gets earful on feds' ID law Driver's license rules for states criticized ANDREW M. SEDER [email protected] SCRANTON  A controversial federal law requiri...
Posted by Mudd (R-Pa.) on Fri, 09 May 2008 01:01:00 PST

Have a Radioactive Hazard?Grow Mushrooms.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Eddie NWO CensoredDate: May 6, 2008 2:32 PMAnother kind of mushroom cloud ******************************************Chernobyl Shro...
Posted by Mudd (R-Pa.) on Tue, 06 May 2008 11:40:00 PST

Origin through evolution less likely than previously thought

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Ma JusticeDate: May 3, 2008 10:39 AMWhen will folks just wake up and admit that Charles Darwin ADMITTED on his deathbed that evolution was imp...
Posted by Mudd (R-Pa.) on Sat, 03 May 2008 07:45:00 PST