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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Working on my 34th life year. Have a "perverse" (?) taste in music, everything from horrormovie themes to grindcore via Tori Amos, Sisters of Mercy and Ben Harper. Lives for and love music in every way, mostly extreme crust, HC and punk and all forms of extreme metal, preferrebly Black metal and raw old-school death metal. Plays guitar and does vocals in crust/HC act SKITSYSTEM... also, totally addicted to DEATHBREATH, DARKTHRONE and AUTOPSY...Married to Linda since 2002, had our first born (daughter) in may 2006, her name is NEMI, and she rules our world! We have two cats that are super spoiled. Works full-time as an socialworker at an orphanage in Gothenburg which takes cares of kids aged 1-12 due to fucked up parents with drugproblems or abusive parents etc... Loves watching movies, stoked on pizza, touring, recording and drinking....

My Interests

Music, cats, movies, veggiefood, animal rights, human rights, travelling, chillin, trying to make it as a dad, drinking beer, gulping red wine, spanking the guitar...


Black metal, crust, HC, punk, metal, pornmusic, käng, sing/songwriters, black metal, death metal, deathpunk, pop, rock, black metal, Venom... Dark Angel among many makes the turd churn...


Requiem for a dream, Pusher I-III, Happiness, HEllraiser II, Phantasm, Land of the dead, Dawn of the dead triology, Everything with the Simpsons, Still REigning (Slayer live), Festen...


Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting


All Bukowski + All Chomsky = a twisted split between reality and fiction. All apocalyptic themes, all destructive coming scenarios, all serial killer reading/scrapbooks, deathbooks, illustrations of darker caracter,

My Blog

För alla som undrar/To all intressted and wondering...

Hittade en informativ länk till mitt märkliga flintskalliga tillstånd, kanske kan uppfylla era funderingar och slå ihjäl lite av er tid... Found a link to my somewhat strange psycial bald state, migh...
Posted by Fredrik on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 02:19:00 PST

1 år senare....

Fan... Nemi är över ett år nu, tiden går fort. Hon började gå 4 dagar innan hon fyllde, det var så sjukt coolt, häftigaste jag varit med om sen förlossningen! USA var fan ingen höjdare vad det gäller...
Posted by Fredrik on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 12:25:00 PST


Kolla in denna nice-a blogg om filmer, jag garvade ett par gånger, haha! Mastodont recnsionen av de 7 dödssynderna förtjänar en guldbagge, om inte för inehållet så för uthålligheten! http://vitslavha...
Posted by Fredrik on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 02:54:00 PST

Min dotter...

Faaaan va hon är söt! Jag älskar henne fan! Nu kommer känslorna ikapp... Livet är plötsligt värt nåt... Var det här vi väntade på? Äntligen måndag!
Posted by Fredrik on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 01:58:00 PST

Slask hater...

Fuck... jvla trista trkiga gra mornar ... I hate the bad weather here in Gothenburg right now... I wish i were somewhere else, after next weekend I will be in the UK for a week but Im not th...
Posted by Fredrik on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 02:35:00 PST