Raging Hate-Tank fueled by Whiskey and Gasoline
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Member Since: 5/24/2005
Band Members: Craig (ex-Godawful, GutterHead and Blood Soaked System)
Oscar (ex-Dischrist, 2 Hr. D.Ts and Viking Ship Of War) Jay (Rat Bastards, District 13, Bottles Flying, Industrialized Autocracy, Gacys' Crawlspace, Generation Excrement, Subjugated, Impulse Manslaughter-for 2 hours- Gutterhead, and Unscathed) Matteo (ex-Dischrist, C.R.A.P., Viking Ship Of War, 2 Hour D.Ts, Spent, Flagpole, and Blah)
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Influences: What has nine arms and still sucks? Def Leppard
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Sounds Like: Brutal Horror, Mass Damnation, Horror and Oblivian...
Record Label: Shaman Records
Type of Label: Indie