different beers,music,drawings and the people behind them,shouting at my kid and parenting the band i'm in ...huh,i mean the opposite!!!
Dali and discuss moustaches for hours!
Mostly dark and heavy (neurosis alike) but still a great love of mine punk (Instinct Of Survival,Guided Cradle,N.D.T.,Constant State Of Terror,Hellshock,Celtic Frost,...)in all it forms might it be more rockish to earterrorizing stuff,a lot of good old new wave , fuck that goth-shit!!!,MOTORHEAD and the sisters of mercy,yip some good dark depressing stuff!!!!!
Can go from a good drama (biographies,....) to some really scarry horrorshit,love stupid movies with alot of puke and shit/piss jokes , the best to get rid of a hangover ;-)
Carnivale,Twin Peaks,every good english detective-serie,The Simpsons,basicly any good cartoon,and the occasional movie i couldn't go see at the theatre for not getting the cash to get in.
when i'm out of toiletpaper , or they must be zines (music/politicly) or artbooks
my girlfriend......for putting up with my crazy ideas and state of mind,and all the shit she had to overcome to stand where she's now.