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About Me

WILD HARD ROCK ' N ' ROLL IN YOUR FACE !LOADEAD saw the darkness in fall anno 2003 in Belgian wasteland Liege. When Gérard (bass, ex SCALPERS) and Azill (guitar-vocals, ex HIATUS, SKEWWHIFF, MOBILHEAD...) decided to start a new band after thesplit of their former one ROSEBUD AGENCY. They recruited David (ex BIG TOY , MAGELLAN DREAM) at the bar during a PETERPANSPEEDROCK gig , tohang out after the drumkit.The idea was to create a rock'n'roll band full of agression somewhere between Punk and Metal. MOTORHEAD showed the way and became at the beginning the biggest influence. Other bands that will influence LOADEAD are AC/DC, BLACK SABBATH, TRUST, RAMONES and DEAD KENNEDY's and slightly less obvious SODOM. A rock'n'roll , metal and punkrock mix served with full on rage , demanding lyrics.They quickly recorded a 3 song demo by themselves in february 2004 in their rehearsal basement with Zeff , a friend , on his mobile digital recording studio. The demo carrying a killer sleevecover that's sooo hideous!!! Armed with the demo they blast on Belgian stages and further , SWITSERLAND, HOLLAND , GERMANY, FRANCE , DENMARK, SPAIN and UK had the pleasure to experience them. Till now they did around 100 gigs .In autumn 2004 , Gérard left the band . They recruited Olivier , a skinny , hairy giant metalhead who also plays in DISPELL THE CHARM a metalband. His hair is so long that your mom will burst into tears from jealousy.With that line-up, a second demo was recorded again with trustworthy Zeff.This time a 6 song demo called "Terminal face A new demo was recorded 2006 brings new gigs (a.o. openings for PETERPAN SPEEDROCK, ALABAMA THUNDERPUSSY ,,BAD PREACHERS, KILLER...) and a new third demo is recorded with a higher cost budget than the previous ones at studio in Chénée Palace near Liège. See us at your local looser bar or in hell...soon ! stay tuned
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LOADEAD on 272 records compilation vol. 6 (USA) !

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Member Since: 7/27/2006
Band Website: loadead.be
Band Members: Azill ( Vocals , lead guitar ) Giovanni ( Bass , backing vocals ) David ( Drums )
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Influences: Alcools , drugs , joke & Black Sabbath , AC/DC , Ramones , Trust , Motörhead , PPS , Dead Kennedys , Sodom , ....

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Sounds Like: Your mother last night !
Record Label: Et la bête
Type of Label: Major