Gary profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Don't mess with my friends cuz I'm fiercely loyal to them
This profile was edited with Deltox Myspace Editor
My name is Gary, I'm a midwestern guy. I love to go camping with family & friends. I love to talk .. & on the phone. When I talk to my sweet Lil' friend on the phone or .., I crack up so bad I fall out of my chair, even snort like a pig! LOL I love to spend time with my family and my guy & girl friends and I'll do anything for them, Just ask them. I enjoy working on my house & truck, going out to have fun & even pulling a harmless prank ot two once in a while.
What is your full birth name? Gary ( those who I want to know, know the rest )
What is your date of birth? Jan 3, 1964
Where were you born? Johnsons AFB Yokohama, Japan
What are your parents' names? Mom , Dad is no longer with us
How many siblings do you have? How old are they and what are their names? 2; younger sister Vickie 40, younger brother Doug 35, also have an adopted lil' sis Courtney 19
What's your hair color? Brown
What's your eye color? Hazel
How tall are you? 5' 10"
How much do you weigh? 182
What size shoe do you wear? 7 1/2
What's your house look like? How many bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.? Ranch w/ 4 bedrooms 2 baths, white with brown trim, brown shutters & brown shingles
How many pets do you have? What are they and what are their names? none currently, but does a wife and 2 kids count ? LOL
What's your marital status? Married
Animal? Dogs, deer, penguins, squirrels
Color? Blue, red, black
Sport? NASCAR,Football, volleyball
Artist/ Group? Too many to name
Movie? Too many to name
Actor? Burt Reynolds
Actress? Too many to think of
Food? Pizza, Lasagna, anything Italian
Drink? Diet Mountain Dew,
Restaurant? Anything Italian
Car? Chevy Suburban, Pontiac Trans Am, Ford Mustang, My friend Melissa'a red Corvette, any European sports car
School subject? That was a long time ago hehe
Cologne/ perfume? Stetson,, Axe
Television show? Golden Girls, I love Lucy, 3 Stooges, Green Acres, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Boy meets World
Television station?
Radio station? 94.1, 106.7, 96.9
Vacation spot? Any place with a beach & camping & our friends
Clothing store/ brand? None in particular
Holiday? Christmas
McDonalds or Burger King? Neither
Pepsi or Coca-Cola?&..39;
Movies or television?
Board games or cards? cards
MTV or VH1? Both
Horror or comedy? Comedy, me like to laugh
Summer or winter? SUMMMER oh YEAH!!!!!!!
Dogs or cats? Dogs
Appetizers or dessert? Desert
Parties or get-togethers? Parties
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
Beer, vodka, or wine? Beer on ocasion
1970s or 1980s? 1980's
Rain or snow? Both
Mario or Luigi? ?????????
Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, or Jessica Simpson? Minnie Mouse LOL
Drunk or high? Drunk
Day or night? Both
Black or white? Both
CDs or mixes? Mixes
Corvette or Mustang? Both
Reality shows or sitcoms? Both
Been high? How about any other drugs? Care to mention? NOPE
Been drunk? Yeah, a long time ago
Stolen something? What was it? Nope
Gotten in a fist-fight? Not really
Had sex? I'm married so what ya think hehe
Vandalized someone's property? Nope
Ran over an animal? Yep,a Skunk on I-80 near Lincoln, Ne
Trespassed? Nope
Wished death on someone? Nope
Told your parents you hated them? Nope
Been fake to someone? Nope
Flew on an airplane? Yep, a long time ago
Broken a bone? If so, what was it? Yep, several in my right hand
Been in a car accident? Yep
Do you find yourself attractive? I dunno, you tell me
Are you a jealous person? Not really
What do you want to be when you get older? Dream job? I haven't grown up yet, don't want to.LOL Dream job would be a beach bum
What's your cumulative grade point average? Can't remember that far back
What's the meanest thing you've ever said to anyone?
Do you fart, burp, etc. in front of your friends? How about in front of anyone? Yep, yep
If you had to go on a reality show, what one would it be? They'd have to make one for me,"Grow up will ya?" lol
Who are your top 3 male and top 3 female friends? Courtney, Melissa,& Jeanne ( my wife of 17 1/2 yrs ); John, Fred, Doug
Do you like drama? Nope
What do you think is your best feature - physical & personality? You tell me
Would you change for someone you liked? Nope, I like my friends motto
Would you rather be physically or mentally hurt? Physically
What do you appreciate most in life? Family & friends
G Good
A Astounding
R Rare
Y Young
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
You scored as Outgoing. You outgoing and you have a very friendly personality.














what kind of person are you? (shy,outgoing,fun,mean,immature,dramatic or nice?)
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You scored as Peter Pan. Your alter ego is Peter Pan. You are a child at heart. Anything you believe is possible, and you never want to grow up.

Peter Pan


The Beast






Snow White




Donald Duck


Sleeping Beauty




Cruella De Ville

Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego?
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Your Hillbilly Name Is...
Hunter Tucker Hillbilly Name Generator

My Interests

Tonya Watts opening for Kid Rock July 4th in Birmingham, Al. AWESOME VID!! She KICKS ASS !!Veronica Ballestrini..."What's Up With That?" music vid Veronica Ballestrini - Whats Up With That
Add to My Profile | More VideosParis Hilton Goes To Jail, Video ExclusiveTake the quiz:
Which F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Cast Member are you? (pics!)

You love being with the ladies/guys!!!!!!!!! You also love food!! Your an extremely sweet person, but be sure to call that person after you sleep with them!!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
My family, Cassie, my sweet silly beautiful awesome friend Courtney ( no one as ever made me laugh so much, Thank You Buttercup ), camping, NASCAR, remodeling my house, HOT cars and trucks,Hey ya'll go visit Cassie Leanne's site

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MySpace Codes & MySpace Backgrounds

I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!

You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

What kind of 18 wheeler are you?

Peterbilt 379
you love cat engines and the looks your truck, and u love love it
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by

I'd like to meet:

Alaina Alexanderalt=""

Miss Cassie Leanne of course - Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics


Mainly Country, but I'll listen to just about anything except for hard rock. I vary from Hank Williams Sr., Garth Brooks, & Toby Keith to ZZ Top, Britney, Christina, & the Black Eyed Peas,Pussycat Dolls, Nickleback, Kelly Clarkson
Hey Ya'll check out Tonya's myspace. She's an AWESOME, TALENTED country REBEL who puts out some AWESOME music.You need to check out Shannon's myspace also! A different style, but still GREAT music!.. width="425" height="350" ..Black Velvet

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Anything with action or comedy. I love to laugh.


American Chopper, American Hotrod, Monster House, Pimp My Ride, Trick My Truck, History Channel, Discovery Channel, reality shows, anything with comedy or satire ( me love to laugh). HGTV & DIY Channel cause I like to work on my house.
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KariMy youngest daughter Kari who was born by early C-section at only 4 lbs, battled back from a near fatal pulmonary embolism when she was just 2 months old. She's a vibrant 4 year old now. You ARE the reason I quit driving truck OTR! Daddy loves ya a whole bunch Lil' Bitty!! ~Courtney~ Yeah Buttercup, you're my HERO too! You helped keep me company while I was layed off during the winter and you still do. You added in so much laughter into my life, variety to my taste in music, Yeah Courtney you ARE the ONLY one who's made me crack up so hard I've fallen out of my chair and made me laugh so hard I did actually SNORT like a pig!! I LOVE our .. chats & our talks on the phone. I'm glad that we've both been able to be there for one another. Courtney, you are my SPECIAL sweet LIL' friend. You've always known just when to give me a quick call on the phone to put me in a better mood when I've been feeling down or make me feel even better on a good day. You can count on me for anything till the day I die. I'm truly blessed that you are a part of my life. You ARE one of my TRUE friends. Courtney know matter what happens you too will always have a special place in my heart!These 2 people have touched my heart in a special way and have helped make me the person I am today.