I love MuSiC !!
Visual Arts, Dance, Theatre, Photography !
technology ,Computers
Sailing, mountain biking, cross country skiing, cooking, camping, outdoor activities, walks
Father to my 3 kids.....
Musicians, artists, creative people, freaks, geeks, acadians, dancers, sailors, technicians, people who want to share ideas....
Thinkers, Explorers, dreamers, visionaries.....people that can surpass limits ! People that think outside the box. People that CAN see beyond !
Or "Freaky" people from the Ottawa area ! Acadiens Cajuns from Louisiana Hawaiians
People from the North Shore of Oahu, University of Hawaii or Honolulu, MERLOT users,
I love MuSiC !!
I listen to a lot of music all day long !!
I record & produce music.
I have my own portable recording gear.
Recording engineer for more than 25 yrs.
I listen to the musicians on my friend's list...always ready to discover new music.
This is a video of my friend and producer Ford Sundet.
this is a band he recorded with in Ireland known as 'Still'.
co-wrote the song with Richard Young.
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My mom.