About Me
The Bio: Rabia started in the summer of 2004. We all met around St. Marks in the Lower Eats Side; in the beginning many friends played for the band, but around August of the same year we stabilized with Jose on vocals, Carlos on bass, Simon on guitar and Ian on Drums. It was around that time when we had our first shows at the legendary squat Casa Del Sol, where Jose also lived. From that moment we did not stop playing shows every weekend with bands such as Eyes of Hate, Zombie Vandals, Treason, U.F.C. etc, and also traveling to cities like Boston, Philly, N.J, etc. At the beginning of 2005 we were invited to play at the See Squat by Stza (L.O.C), where we also had amazing shows every month. In June of the same year Rabia had the first show at Tompkins Square Park (Punk park). In July we played at CBGB’s for the Punk Olympics sharing the stage with more than 15 bands, one of them was I.R.A (Colombia) with whom we play every time they come to la USA. On September 11 we played at Tompkins again, with bands like MDC, Dr. Know, Choking Victim, etc. Our first demo was recorded at Serenity Squat at the end of the year which was done by Mike Dreg (Death Mold). In 2006 Dave became part of our band as the second lead guitarist. Around June Caliche decided to leave the band and that same summer we toured the East Coast with Kudata (N. J), tour in which we played in more than seven states. After the tour Joel became a part of Rabia as the bassist. In August of this same year were invited to play on the 17th anniversary of Tompkins Square Park Riot were we share the stage with Leftover Crack, Death Mold, Witch Hunt, Planned Collapse, etc. In November of this year we did our first trip to Chicago and we also recorded our second demo. In 2007 we continued playing every weekend sharing stages with bands as Huasipungo, A.P.P.L.E, The Casualties, The Krays, A Global Threat, Reagan Youth, and the majority of New York underground’s scene bands. Rabia recorded the third demo and in the summer of the same year also did the second tour (East Coast) across more than seven states. In July like usual we played another great show at Tompkins with Choking Victim, Planned Collapse, Witch Hunt, etc. Around September Joel left the band (Thanx for play with us!) and Caliche came back. At the end of November we played the last show of the year then Dave disappeared. At the beginning of 2008 we were still wondering where Dave might be, until we heard from someone that he is on a deserted island on the Caribbean, so we wish him luck on that. At this moment after 4 years of constant playing, more than 30 original songs, a lot of covers, awesome times, and uncountable amounts of 40oz , our plans are to find a new guitarist, record a great album with good sound.
*Update 04-26-08: Caliche ones again got kicked out of the band, now we have Diego from Anti-Armada on bass.
*Update 06-01-08: Now Michael (Animale, Dissassociate) is part of Rabia on guitar. We are getting ready to star playing again!.
Thanx for the support and we will see you soon in a show. Mad love and revolution. La Bio de los Rabiosos: Rabia empezo por el verano del 2004, nos conocimos por St. Marks en el Lower East Side de Manhattan. Al comienzo muchos amigos tocaron para la banda pero ya para Agosto de ese mismo año nos establesimos con Jose en vocales, Carlos en el bajo, Simon en la guitarra e Ian en la bateria. Fue en ese tiempo cuando dimos nuestros primeros shows en el legendario squat Casa Del Sol donde Jose vivia. Desde aqui no paramos de tocar cada fin de semana compartiendo scenario con bandas como Eyes of hate, Zombie Vandals, Treason, U.F.C., etc. viajando a ciudades como Boston, Philly, N.J., etc . A prinsipios del 2005 fuimos invitados a tocar en el See Squat por Stza (L.O.C.), teniendo shows casi todos los meses alli, en Junio de ese año tocamos nuestro primer show en Tompkins Square Park (que es un parque con historia en el punk de New York), en Julio tocamos en el GBGB’s para el Punk Olympics compartiendo escenario, entre mas de 15 bandas con I.R.A. (Colombia) con los que tocamos cada ves que vienen por la USA. En Septiembre 11 otra vez tocamos en Tompkins con bandas como M.D.C., Dr. Know, Choking Victim, etc. Nuestro primer Demo vendria a fines de este año grabado en Serenity Squat a cargo de Mike Dreg (Death Mold). En el 2006 Dave se nos une en segunda guitarra , por Junio Caliche decide salir de la banda y en verano de este año hicimos nuestra primera gira (Costa Este) acompañados por Kudata (N.J.) tocando en mas de 7 estados. Luego de el Tour Joel entra a tocar el bajo. En agosto de este año nuevamente se nos invita a tocar en el 17 aniversario del Tompkins Square Park riot donde compartimos escenario con Leftover crack, Death Mold, Witch Hunt, Planned Collapse, etc. En Noviembre de este año hicimos nuestro primer viaje a Chicago y tambien grabamos nuestro segundo demo. Ya en el 2007 continuamos tocando cada fin de semana compartiendo escenario con bandas como Huasipungo, APPLE, The Casualties, The Krays, A Global Threat, Reagan Youth y la gran mayoria de bandas del underground Newyorquino. Grabamos tambien nuestro tercer demo. En verano de este año nos enbarcamos en nuestra segunda gira por la Costa Este tocando en mas de 7 estados. En Julio como ya es costumbre tocamos otro gran show en Tompkins con Choking Victim, Planned Collapse, Witch Hunt, etc. Por Septiembre sale Joel de la banda (Gracias por tocar con nosotros!) y vuelve Caliche. A fines de Noviembre tocamos nuestro ultimo show del año ya que despues Dave desaparece. A prinsipios de este año 2008 aun nos preguntabamos como estaria Dave hasta que alguien nos dijo que ahora vive en una playa decierta en el Caribe, asi que no queda mas que desearle una buena vida. En estos momentos despues de casi 4 años de no parar con mas de 30 canciones originales y otro tanto de covers, buenos momentos, incontable cantidad de cerveza, nuestros planes son conseguir un nuevo guitarrista, poder llegar a grabar un buen album con buen sonido.
*Update 04-26-08: Caliche fue hechado de la banda nuevamente, ahora tenemos a Diego de Anti-Armada en el bajo.
*Update 06-01-08: Ahora tenemos a Michael (Animale, DISASSOCIATE) en la otra guitarra. Estamos practicando y ya dentro de poco estaremos listos para tocar denuevo.
Un saludo a todos y gracias por el apoyo!, nos vemos pronto en un show. Amor y revolución. I'm Working in a web site where you are gonna be able to get our Music, T-shirts, Patches, pins, Tanguitas, etc... Demo-CD '05
"...We have more songs and we are looking for people and/or labels that would help us release our material, so if you could give us a hand your are welcome, BUT before that please understand our points of view. Cheers!." "...Tenemos mas canciones y estamos buscando personas y/o sellos que nos ayuden a sacar nuestro material, asi que si tu puedes darnos una mano adelante, PERO antes entiende nuestros puntos de vista. Salud!."
Demo-Tape '06
Here it is our second production. It's a raw sound but good quality recorded from practice sessions Btw. Oct. - Nov. '06. It has 16 songs incluiding some covers of our favorite bands like R.I.P, Kortatu, Oi Polloi and Raw Power, only $4.
"New York Shitty punk rock 2005" CD compilation with: Eyes of hate, Stackers, Lady Unluck, S.Q.N.S., S.M.U.T., No place to piss, Black out shoppers, X-possibles, etc.$5
"Diskardia" Vol. 1 - DIY Split Cd released in Portugal '06 with: Rabia, Hongo, Disgraca, Violencia Violeta, I.A.C., Sopas dCavalo Cansado, Tintura dOdio.
"End, Why..., See" - NYC underground punk CD compilation '07 with: Rabia, Thriller, Kudata, PB, Nervous Breakdown, Death Crude SS, Smell Uv Death, Smegma. $2.
"Las asquerozas melodias de los entes del mundo en destruccion" - DIY, 2 CD's international compilation realesed in Peru with more than 60 bands. $5