People, music, films, literature, opera, history, languages, soccer, healthy living, self-improvement, love in all its forms. lovely, her precious, their wishes, his expectations, ourselves, its all, it's all... oh yes, and your awesome.
If you really care, I'll send you a comprehensive list of music that moves me.
Ferris Bueller..s Day Off...profound, magical film. Not really about Ferris at all in the way that Amadeus is certainly not about Mozart. Check it out!
Documentaries, opera, soccer , Six Feet Under, scrambled porn, not much else worth my time.
Sculpting in Time by A. Tarkovsky. Better than some of his films.
My mother, my father, J. Lennon, M. Ali, W. Mozart, A. Hamilton, S. Peck, M. Gandhi, A. Einstein, A. Sultanov ...and so many more that time and space just don't suffice, at least for now.