i love burnt cheese,cilantro,shopping for vintage shoe's under 4.$, people that look beyond the surface but not to far at first, i want to fall in love again but not to eager, sitting in the garden with my coffee in the morning. i am interested when i impress myself and confidence comes back. i love writing a song that moves someone, i like taking lots of pictures and painting shocking images. i love orange silk and spider webs and warm water and oil... and those are some of my favourite things!!!!!!!!
people that aren't like leeches
pj harvey, massive attack, the pixies, lou reed, neil young, tori amos, lisa germano, so many styles, billie holiday, ella, nina, etc., white stripes, bjork, and so on until i can think of some more, there's always more... thought of some more... jarbo(from swans), anita lane,mick harvey, nick cave, lauri anderson, frou frous, goldfrapp, linda perry( i love her writing from a writers point of view, i wish i could do that shit... hey maybe i can?) shirley bassey, the beatles, rollin' stones, any real good ol' fuckin' rock 'n' roll!!!!! kissey xoxo and some lucinda williams or lorretta lynn never hurt nobody!!!! jolie holland, Lhasa, jim white, marrianne faithfull, kate bush, Musicantica (local, traditional italian folk artists), edith piaf, patti griffin, serge gainsborg, queens of the stone age, eagles of death metal, cape verde, tom waits, neil young, adrien belew, david bowie, siousxie and the banshees, gypsy music is always good, tamborines and musical things.
Secret Agent Red 99: The First Season
Add to My Profile | More VideosCamille Claudell, Chocolat, Amelie, Red White and Blue ( trilogy), Pane' e Tulipane,
City of the Lost Children and Delicatessan also House of Fools...anything that has a clever storyline, and that has intriging visuals. Chef in Love, Mostly Martha, Paunette, Closer(very good writer).
In All the Mornings of the World, Whale Rider, alot of art flicks,
but i do have the taste for a little western now and again, you know, COOWBOY!!!???i'm a gemini it just depends on my mood.but those are some of my favs.
Sex and the City, L word( i know its bad), Six Feet Under, The Cooks (Oz show) stuff on BBC and nature and history shows. the wyld boyz, although i try not to., Deadwood, and of course my new favourite, CARNIVALE' !!!!!!!!
Like Water for Chocolate, most writings by Sylvia Plath, Aniis Nins diaries and erotica, Kafka's collected stories. (secret loves... romance novels byNora Roberts) i swear she's really good...no, seriously i can't stop!!!
My Mother ( no need for x-planation she raised 'ME'!), and My favorite Artists who have done what they love and remained intact and constantley themselves. And people that never make excuses for their art... " Art never apologizes". -anon