Morty profile picture


The Man from The Big Pretend,

About Me

Born in Hollywood. Raised in Westwood. Summered in North Hollywood. Worked in Inglewood. Reside in West Hollywood.
I sing and write songs in All Day Sucker ( , I D.J. for money at a buncha hip, young, edgy spots in town and I write for magazines like B.P.M. and 944. I'm available for private parties and club gigs if you pay me. Ask around for references.
Go to for my official D.J. Morty page. I add everyone there.however...
I'm not here to add a buncha muthafuckas I don't know. I know everybody on my list. I have no need to add a 17 year old from Podunk. In fact, if you are under 18 (unless you truly are a friend or one of the clever adults that figured out how to make their profile private), do not bother writing me at all.
Even if you are a friend I won't add your band, clothing line, concept, idea, fake celeb, charity or dog. I have my own page for my band All Day Sucker. Add all your bands there. If you want to be in a popularity contest then add the millions of people that aren't on my list. If you do try to add me and I write you back "Who are you?", I'm not being rude. I know fuckin' everybody and more people know me from various work things. I apologize if you are offended by me wanting to know who I'm making FRIENDS with here. Perhaps you have an unrecognizable picture or I know more than one Jennifer or Gary. Consider an introductory message as a mannered approach to friend requesting.
Dig: My religion is music. Anyone who says that they don't like The Beatles can go fuck themselves. You're silly and I can't relate to you. I have a soft spot for comedy and a hard one for porn.
"I have been there, I have done that, I sell the fuckin' T-shirts"
...and my man, John makes the bitchin' T-Shirts that I wear at most gigs...
...and this dude not only sells the T-shirts but also wrote the book on Football (Soccer to Americans)...
This is the link to the DJ Morty page:

My Interests

I love music, comedy... and porn. But mostly music and comedy... and porn.

I've been a musician for a quarter of a century so felt natural to slip into. My religion is classic pop music so I probably know more about it than most D.J.s. I guess that's why I get calls at 4:30 in the morning asking who sang a certain song. I spin all over the place and gigs come and go so I'm gonna try and keep up to date.

I'd like to meet:

Whatever happened to, "hey you're foxy, wanna go make out?" We need to get back in touch with our sexuality, Hollywood. I want to organize like a 20-30 person Truth or Dare game. No couples. Limited boundaries. Real old school style. Crowded in a dark rec room somewhere. Yeah... I know those were the best experiences. Giggles and nervous tension and shit. Trust me... it never gets better. Now... who's with me?


Beatles, Stones, Who, Jam, Costello, Wings, Queen, Springsteen, Waits, Monkees, Led Zep, Zappa, Allan Sherman, Police, Joe Jackson, Smiths, Cure, Lambert, Hendricks and Ross, Joni, Patti, Aretha, Hedwig, Rocky Horror, Spacehog, Supergrass, Blur, Oasis, Jim Croce, Carpenters, Zevon, Doors, KISS, The Dan, The Mac, They Might Be Giants, Doobies, XTC, Jellyfish, Dukes of Stratosphere, The Rutles, Benny Hill, The Feeling, Orson, All Day Sucker, The Little Ones, The Spazmatics, Midlake, Field Music, Brinsley Schwartz, The Shins, Morrissey, Nilsson, Danny Kaye, Fountains of Wayne, The 'Mats, Lou Reed, Sparks, Boingo, Fishbone, too many...


All Billy Wilder esp. Stalag 17, All Woody Allen esp.Annie Hall, All That Jazz, Bugsy Malone, Phantom of the Paradise, American Splendor, Crumb, Dogtown and Z-Boys, All Albert Brooks esp.Defending Your Life, Gattica, All Mel Brooks esp.Silent Movie, All Marx Bros., All Charlie Chaplin esp. The Great Dictator, Hedwig, Rocky Horror, Velvet Goldmine, What's Up Doc?, What's New Pussycat?, All Jerry Lewis esp.The Patsy, so many...


Sid Caesar, Family Guy, Freaks and Geeks, Six Feet Under, Dead Like Me, All in the Family, Maude, The Monkees


The Fermata, High Fidelity, Notes from the Underground, Perfume, any personal hero's biography, A Gift of Laughter, The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock, Hamlet, all of the Hitchhiker's Guide books....


Lenny Bruce, Marx Brothers, The Beatles, George Carlin, Bill Cosby, Elvis Costello, Paul Westerberg, Charlie Chaplin, Mel Brooks, Sid Caesar, Jerry Lewis, Carroll O'Connor, Grandma Rose, Papa Harry, Papa Ernie, Nana Shari, Dad, Mom, Audrey

My Blog

10 Timely Things Morty Wonders About...

---------------------------------------------------------1) Are there really 18 to 25 year old males who still respond to Carmen Electra and Pam Anderson as relevant, contemporary sex symbols?2) Will ...
Posted by Morty on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:41:00 PST

10 Timely Things Morty Has Noticed...

You may repost these if they appeal to you but please give me credit (Well, I'd prefer cash...). That is why I titled this in the third person (...that and I'm a pompous ass).TWR,Morty1) "Biotch" is n...
Posted by Morty on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 11:36:00 PST

To All You Awesome Rock n' Roll Lovers...

...who cheer and sing and scream, "I love this song!" when the d.j. plays "Don't Stop Believin' ", "Sweet Child O' Mine", "You Shook Me All Night Long", "Livin' On A Prayer" and "Pour Some Sugar On Me...
Posted by Morty on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:45:00 PST

Morty's 10 Obvious Understatements for September

1) "Stairway to Heaven" is a really good song.2) "Annie Hall" is a really good movie.3) Gasoline is still too expensive.4) Large, natural breasts are just more attractive than those that are surgicall...
Posted by Morty on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 05:30:00 PST

I Can See Clearly Now...

I can now see without glasses or contacts. I know this is gonna sound like an infomercial but I assure you that I actually paid for this and am just so excited that I'm sharing this with anyone who's...
Posted by Morty on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 01:09:00 PST

Spring Slam .2: What Fashion Trend Needs To Be Extinct?

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- Spring Slam ..2: What Fashion Trend Needs To Be Extinct?---------------------------------------------------- ----...
Posted by Morty on Fri, 05 May 2006 02:27:00 PST

Morty's Anger Issue .2

This issue I thought I would tackle a subject that is probably not widely discussed around the family K.F.C. bucket on a Monday evening. The only disclaimer that I will give is that if you continue to...
Posted by Morty on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 03:23:00 PST

Spring Slam .1 : Name Three People (Living or Dead) With Whom You Would Like to Have Dinner.

Spring Slam ..1 : Name Three People (Living or Dead) With Whom You Would Like to Have Dinner.----------------------------------------------------- ---------Petra NemkovaJohn LennonWill FerrellMortyHis ...
Posted by Morty on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 02:25:00 PST

Morty's Anger Issue .1

This is the first installment of what I hope will be a cathartic and stress relieving exercise for me and perhaps will be a hoot and a holler for y'all. I will present it in a relatively cogent blurt ...
Posted by Morty on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 01:42:00 PST


I'm not writing this to be a dick but rather to appeal to your sense of logic and rational thinking.Please do not EVER repost ANYTHING that pertains to you reposting something to get something to happ...
Posted by Morty on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:01:00 PST