Miss Rani profile picture

Miss Rani

We walk down the street like lottery winners on acid.

About Me

* Has traveled to 21 countries * HAPPY * Will stand up to give old ladys a seat * Wants to have a little boy * Has been bitten by an eel* Can meet someone, fall deeply in LOVE, marry, fight, hate, and divorce in about a half hour or less * Drops names like Einstein, Walt Disney, Utagawa Hiroshige, and Rick James in conversation.* Can fixate on one object while the rest of the world goes right down the toilet * Can see all of my worldly possessions at one time...cause they are all over the floor. * Smarter than your average bear* Gets CHRONIC hiccups * Generous with money, time, and resources * Willing to take RISKS that don't involve jumping off of, or out of, things * ALERT * Provides original ideas, or is not afraid to STEAL them * Makes far reaching ANALOGIES that no one else understands * Writes them off as "deep thoughts" * Is seriously afraid of ROACHES * Dislikes avocados * HOPEFUL * Pleasently and constantly suprised by finding old clothes long forgotten about * Able to tie seemingly unrelated ideas together * INDEPENDENT * Grew up riding HORSES * Hates sleeping in a house alone *Loves garage sales and EBAY* Demands all the time to know WHY? * Has a few jokes always at hand* Will most likely beat you at pool or darts * Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound * Is learning SPANISH* Loves to SLEEP IN * Hangs butt crack out on the regular * Can easily replace missing childhood photos with panels from "Calvin & Hobbes" * FRECKLES * Adores SOUR candy * Constantly finding money left behind in pockets (whoo!)* ADD * Always providing a different perspective (argumentative? me?)nah.. * SARCASTIC * Loves researching things * Will bitch about something only while trying to figure out how to fix it * Usually RIGHT * Loves Jack and Coke * has a greater tolerance for CHAOS * Blows up, but recovers quickly * Can fall asleep and wake up in the same position * Born and raised in HAWAII * Will eat the not-so delicious food first to leave only the DELECTABLE to feast on * Loves TATTOOS on other people * Likes to counsel * Loves to pester and annoy in a friendly manner * SUPRISES are cause for much excitement* Still gets creeped out by the idea of something under the bed* Is highly organized, Punctual, and generally responsible (ok so I lied).
Cute Hot Layouts From WHATEVERLIFE.COM!

My Interests

Lovin' afros right now because you can hide stuff in them.
Cheering for unimportant events like, I don't know, getting fries with that
Crayola scissors the kind you can't cut your finger off with
I'd say photography.. but thats a given ... everybody likes fucking photography especially girls.
Horse Riding, Origami, runway shows, High fives!!, searching for the white rabbit, tattoos, not wearing underware but wearing bras, Tree houses, Jagermeister, Rain, Model Rockets, Talking to people's parents while under the influence, cello, tidepooling, long walks in the park, on the beach, through the city, in the jungle... you name it.

I'd like to meet:

Let me just say.... I keep a tight knit friends list. I know 98% of the people that are on there...trust me they are all awesome. The other 2% I have every intention of meeting and they have all been questioned and tested and have passed inspection. If you are brave and have a high level of awesomeness then by all means proceed.
Magicians.. Astronomers.. Anyone with a great sense of humour and a quick wit. Someone to travel with. My future hometown. People that want to go on random missions to museums and such. Fellow spys. Lovers ,dreamers ...the mad the foolish...


Black music, white music, fight music for highschool kids.


As long as I can consider a good two hours of living it's ok. Or as long as Jeff Duke is there for help with commentary and popcorn throwing.


Now I really am not a TV watcher. At my home in Hawaii we don't even HAVE TV.
It's a fantastic waste of time if you are not careful.


Old man and the Sea


My Mother I miss her so much...My Dad, Yoko, Ashley my BFF, Amy, Dave from Humanex, those who have helped me and loved me through life.

My Blog

melt this plastic heart

my feet feel like they're glued to the floor two to the four you make me cruel but i'm yours can't stand feeling like this... 'hailed taxi drives by but I'm missed why do I always feel right dissed...
Posted by Miss Rani on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 08:34:00 PST

Helsinki Land of Finns!

More to come because I am not yet there! I am awake it's 9:30 am and I am studying Helsinki on wikipedia and more. It's great to study up on someplace before going cause then I get very very excited w...
Posted by Miss Rani on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 12:53:00 PST

Ze Chermans

Hamburg GermanyA city with a rich history has welcomed me with open arms and a colorful array of architecture, culture, idiosyncrasies, and all the wonders of a new place.I have discovered that the p...
Posted by Miss Rani on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 04:29:00 PST

All my kisses

Staring up at the ceiling fan...blurspokes on a bicycle wheelrun run runstopHere I have been for 3 monthsI was only supposed to stay for onethe other two snuck up on me somewhere in the darkon a hard ...
Posted by Miss Rani on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 05:48:00 PST

Burn baby burn

Stuckin the middle of a swarmyet untouchablemy fingers burnthe tape streches tight 1.5 too highflourescent light a turn of my headdreadwhat is this animalthat hath snuck up in the nightand as it sinks...
Posted by Miss Rani on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:20:00 PST

Jerky & Lemonade

I been giving alot of thought to the idea of what I might eat for the rest of my life if I could only pick 5 things. Well actually it's one of the many pointless senarios I play around with in my hea...
Posted by Miss Rani on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 12:45:00 PST


Hello,So I went to see the movie 300 today, rather unexpectedly I might add. I mean not like "wow how'd I end up in the movie theater?!" but kinda a last minute dash. I have been wanting to see it fo...
Posted by Miss Rani on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:40:00 PST

spring has sprung

So it all started this morning at 4:45 or so. I had a bowl of healthy cereral in the semi darkness hearing the crunching noise in my temples too fucking tired to even think. I had to be to work at lik...
Posted by Miss Rani on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:10:00 PST

If life gives you lemons

1. If life gives you lemons, find someone who has vodka and throw a party.2. Life gave me a lemon and I got squirted in the eye.3. If life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice. -Conan O'Br...
Posted by Miss Rani on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 12:08:00 PST

Auckland New Zealand!

WOW. All I can say is it is great here. The moment I walked out of the airport it smelt of honey and herbs I'm not even kidding! I am staying in this incredible house that overlooks the harbor and dow...
Posted by Miss Rani on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 03:46:00 PST