Epopshop profile picture


Music Mailorder from Germany for the world

About Me

foundet 1990 as a mailorder for releaes of de/vision. 1996 used as a mailorder for the label Synthetic Product Records. and for cds from USA and Scandinavia. Used for Merchandise and Ticketsales and selected releases from allover the world. but our cds at


or some releases at Itunes


My Interests


Member Since: 1/30/2006
Band Website: epopshop.com
Band Members: many bands...
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Influences: our taste and your taste
Sounds Like: Synthpop, Electo-Pop, New Wave, 80ies, Depeche Mode, Camouflage, Erasure, 7red7 A covenant of thorns Agency-X Agonised by love Anything Box Attic Base Axoe B! Machine Backlash Blue October Boytronic Brave new world BUCHUNG Carol Masters Carpe Diem Cause and Effect Colony 5 Color theory Column5 Compilation Compilation DVD Control.org Cosmicity Count to Infinity Count to Infinty Cruexshadows (The) David Mahr Daybehavior Dayzed DE/VISION Droom E? Echo Image Electronic Voice Phenome Eloquent Empire State Human Epopshop Faith Assembly FAQ FAQ / Carpe Diem Fr/Action Freezepop Ganymede Intuition Iris KAJ Kartagon Kliche Klockwork Lakeside Church Lavantgarde Lavantgarde/ L image Leiadorus Leiahdorus Level L'image Limage + Obscyre L'image/Lavantgarde Liste Macondo Madrid Malaise Mend Menichal Servants Mesh Monolithic Moon Rock Moonlife Moulin Noir Neuroactive Neuropa New Clear Sky Noxious Emotion Nucturnal Culture Night Nukleon Nulldevice OBK Obsc(y)re Paradigm Point of View Provision Raindancer ReActivate Real Life Red Flag Regenerator Rename Seven Words Simulator Somegirl Spray Sweep Syrian System 22 System22 Terminal Bliss The echoing green The information society The Nine Trance Atlantic Crush Trans Atlantic Crush Virtual Server Virtuel Server Voice Industrie Wave in head Wideband Network Wolfsheim
Record Label: related to Synthetic Product Records
Type of Label: Indie