Zach Fischer Band, U2, Elton John, Showtunes .. width="425" height="350" ..
When it comes to movies, I am usually very easily pleased! My favorite movies are the Summer Blockbusters! I don't care what it is, if it's loud and obnoxius. . I'm there! Recently I saw Superman Returns! LOVED IT! Probably favorite of the summer so far. 1)Superman Returns 2)X3:The Last Stand 3)MI:III. Other favorites ae Raiders of the Lost Ark, Gladiator, LOR Trilogy, War of the Worlds, Munich. . .
Heroes, The Wire, Deadwood, Battlestar Galactica, The Sopranos, 24, Lost, CSI, NY1
The Plot Against America, John Irving, Caleb Carr, Classic Steven King, Non-Fiction Crime Novels
Aunt Roxanne, My Father