Rodden Equine Training Services profile picture

Rodden Equine Training Services


About Me

"Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole, and once it has done so, he will have to accept that his life will be radically changed." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson*********Please check out Rodden Equine's official webpage!!! It is a work in progress.. so please be kind with your comments! ***********************************************************. ............................................................ ............................................................ .Hello everyone... my name is Rebecca and I am an independent horse trainer working in Louisville, Ky. We start young horses under saddle, tune-up older horses, and show horses for clients. We also offer hour long riding lessons in Hunt Seat, Jumping, Dressage, Western Pleasure, and Trail.Serving the Louisville area since 2002!In addition to the services listed above we also offer horses for sale/lease, Full & Partial Care boarding.Our facilities include 2 barns, a large indoor arena,outdoor riding,12x12 stalls,eight grassy turn out paddocks, large tackroom,restroom and lounge facilities.Feel free to send me an e-mail here on myspace or on AOL at [email protected] FMI.Video of me teaching a jumping lesson(Student is Erin Allison! Thanks Erin!):~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My Interests

Horse behavior, riding techniques, riding philosophy, Dressage, Hunter/Jumpers, Reining, Polo, Racing, Trail..any riding discipline. All breeds and types of Equines. Take the quiz:
What Horse Career suits you?

Competetion Rider
You live to ride. Your best way to go is find a real dream horse and work up to the top. But you have to remember that you can't always win. You're determined, proud, and outgoing, but just keep others in mind, too. Your will to succeed will bring you to great places someday.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

Everyone! All people are welcome to experience the joy of horses! I am hoping to meet new horsey people and hopefully make a few new friends! Again anyone who has an interest in horses!This video is amazing!


Wild Horses

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I like lots of different kinds of music, but mostly rock. I really don't care for Country or Rap/R&B.


Phar Lap, The Last Unicorn, Hildalgo, Seabiscuit, Black Beauty


What's TV??? No time for this!


I am currently reading Narnia..but I have an extensive Equine library.


My Mother! Also anyone who has the heart and courage to follow their dreams and make them come true!

My Blog

On a lighter note!

Extremely busy at the barn! Two more friesians came in for training...I currently have three friesians in training, along with a paint mare,appaloosa and a is so full at the barn I need to bui...
Posted by Rodden Equine Training Services on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:17:00 PST

Loss of a Friend

Sunday February old mare Tea-Co Lea passed away. She was 27 this year. She was a wonderful horse and had a wonderful foal for me. May she rest in peace. ...
Posted by Rodden Equine Training Services on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 10:13:00 PST

Horses are wonderful, kittens are cute!

Hey everyone....horses are just so wonderful! After a long day out at the barn, sunburnt and ready to go home for the day, my two wonderful geldings did something really cool! After all the geldings w...
Posted by Rodden Equine Training Services on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 03:38:00 PST

Barn Open House and Free Mounted Games Demo!!!

Hello Everyone!! Rodden Equine is hosting a Barn Open House on Saturday September 22, 2007 and will feature a free Demonstration from the USMGA. Those of you not familiar with this it is a real t...
Posted by Rodden Equine Training Services on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 06:38:00 PST

Refer a Friend!

Hello everyone! August is "refer a friend" month at Rodden Equine! This means BIG discounts for riding lessons and boarding!!!!Anyone who is thinking about boarding or is boarding with me please refer...
Posted by Rodden Equine Training Services on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 12:12:00 PST

New Services!

Hey everyone! Rodden Equine is now offering online critques of your riding via video ($15) or photo($5). I will give written/verbal suggestions and offer exercises for improving your riding and horses...
Posted by Rodden Equine Training Services on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 03:28:00 PST

New blog on my wesbite...

"From  weblog!" I decided to try to keep a blog on this site about current riding problems my students might be encoutering, or current isssues within the horse b...
Posted by Rodden Equine Training Services on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 08:26:00 PST

The best horse on the planet!!!

Well, I just need to share how much I love my horse Alf! Most people who know me, know Alf (or have heard me talk about him)! He has been a constant companion for 14 years. He works for me day in and ...
Posted by Rodden Equine Training Services on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 04:14:00 PST

New photos!

Hey everyone, Just wanted to let everyone know I have posted a few new photos if you would like to look. Some are students and some are of the new facility.   Enjoy the ride! Rebecca...
Posted by Rodden Equine Training Services on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 04:51:00 PST

Updates and Thanks!

Hey everyone....the move to the new location is complete! I am so excited about the potential this place holds and the new and exciting things to come!!! I would also like to publicly thank each and e...
Posted by Rodden Equine Training Services on Sun, 27 May 2007 05:56:00 PST