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About Me


I own Elysian Fields Equestrian Ranch in Robstown, Texas. We currently own a dozen horses and breed American Paint Horses with Thoroughbred and Quarterhorse racing stock.

Ima Dun Noble
My stud, Ima Dun Noble, will breed three of our mares this year: She's A Pain, Get A Real Job, and Biffy's Bid. Pedigrees include horses from both show and racing lines such as Impressive (n/n), Dash For Cash, Go Man Go, Man O War and many other stakes winners.
So you wanna buy a firearm from me? Check it out:
I can sell to y'all from Texas, but if you are not close to me, find a gun dealer where you are that I can ship to. However, if you live outside of Texas, (ie, have i.d. from some other state) you will have to order over the internet. (This means long guns only, NO HANDGUNS. And they have to be legal to own in your state.) So that means I'm setting up a web site for you guys. It is but it is not yet up and running. For now, just give me the name of a gunshop by you I can ship to. You would essentially be ordering it from me through them. If you find a good deal on the internet, let me know and I can order it for you. *****LOOK********
For the guys who said are interested but are currently deployed, I asked about shipping to you. That is a State Department matter because there is no one where you are that is authorized to accept gunshipments (ironic, eh?) So you have to be from Texas or stationed in Texas (permanent duty station) for handguns, or in another state for long guns, just like everybody else. I can't ship to another country.
6341 S. Padre Island Dr.
Corpus Christi, Texas
Est. 1995
toll free 1-888-992-DRAW (3729)
I specialize in portraits & figures (animals, etc...)
I like to do a lot of black and gray. I feel that is where I can actually put a little nuance to a piece. Don't get me wrong, some pieces are crying out for color! (And I do that, too, so no hate mail, alright?! jeez! )...This slideshow is just a small sample, there are more images here on my myspace...So check out my pics...
If you have a tattoo from Forever Art, please go to the C-101 website at this link, and send them a picture of it. Just briefly write down something about your tattoo, like why you got it...:
I also raise Working German Shepherd Dogs: specifically Czech/Czech Border Patrol bloodlines.
dog xant
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Dedication to the production of top working quality dogs has allowed us, in cooperation with Sapphire Shepherds (, to provide pups and dogs to suit diverse needs: Police/Military, Detection, Search & Rescue, high level Competition and Family/Personal Protection.
Most of our breeding stock have working progeny throughout the world. Amateurs and professionals alike can find the caliber of German Shepherd they need.
The following is a brief history of the Czech Border Patrol bloodlines that are used within our breeding program. It clearly explains what sets these working bloodlines apart, and why they are renown as the finest, most untainted breeding bloodlines in the world today.
Prior to the 1989 revolution which led to the fall of their communist government, the breeding of German Shepherd dogs in the Czech Republic was that of working dogs. These breedings revolved around one kennel, owned by the Czechoslovakian Army’s Pohranicni Straze (Border Patrol). Under the communist regime, the Czechoslovakian Border Patrol and their dogs would apprehend 20 to 30 people on a daily basis. While most would give up when confronted, the dogs were often called upon to defend their handlers from those intent on crossing the border at any cost.
The border patrol established 3 breeding stations located in Domazlice, Libejovice, and Prackovice, in 1956 to provide a continuous supply of dogs for law enforcement. Each facility was located on Border Patrol bases and considered of prime national security. Entrance was allowed only to people of “top clearance” and employed at that facility. The females were bred and puppies whelped, raised and trained all within these breeding stations which were staffed by trainers, veterinarians, assistant breeders and kennel help. Once trained the Pohranicni Straze dogs were assigned a handler and patrolled primarily the border with Germany and Austria to prevent Czechoslovakian’s and any others from within the East Block from escaping.
Dogs where then bred under the Pohranicni Policie (Border Police), and under the direction of the head breeder, Mr. Jiri Novotny since 1981 (also the director of training). He is perhaps one of the only government officials to have made the transition from the communist regime to the present. The breeding stations where located within the bases, ran by the Czech Army. Entrance to the facilities continue to be strictly forbidden as in the past as a matter of national security.
The breeding program consisted of 80 or more breeding females and 30 stud dogs. Each stud dog was required to earn working titles and be on active duty. The breeding program utilized their own dogs with the exception of occasional special breedings which took place in partnership with 3 private breeders, “Jipo-me”, a kennel in partnership between Mr. Jiri Novotny and a close friend, “z-Jirkova dvora”, owned by Mr. Novotny's Father and z Blatenskeho Zamku owned by Zdenek Koubek. The breeding of these 3 private kennels where also under the direction of Mr. Novotny.
The demands of the Czech Border Police k9 has naturally changed since the end of communism, it has increased! The Czech Border Police share their stations with their German counterparts who maintain a tight control over Eastern Europeans, Ukrainians, and Russians entering Germany. Those not given visas to legally enter Germany attempt to cross this same Czech border on a daily basis. While many cross to seek a better life in Western Europe and usually don’t resist arrest, an increasing number are connected with organized crime and pose a considerable threat often prepared to defend themselves with knives and firearms. The training courses to prepare the dogs are likewise demanding as are the requirements for breeding.
Mr. Novotny now operates his own breeding kennel in the Czech Republic, Jinopo and continues to raise dogs in the spirit of the true Border Patrol dog! Unfortunately, the z Pohranici straze breeding station is now under a new name, director, and producing dogs of a different character.
The focus of our breeding program is to produce dogs suitable for Police and Service areas of work along with family and personal protection. A passion that is shared with others, we work closely with internationally recognized breeders and trainers in an effort to expand our blood base and continue breeding quality working dogs to suit demanding working requirements. Through selective breeding stock of precious Czech Border Patrol and East German genetics, and a commitment to holistic care, we strive to provide you with the ideal pup/dog for your working requirements. The German Shepherd’s used within our breeding program are primarily of old Czech Border Patrol and East German (DDR) working bloodlines. From these select bloodlines you will find German Shepherd's that are solid in temperament, structure, nerves, and have strong balanced drives. Something that has been seriously overlooked and bred out in this breed. This bloodline is renown for it's versatility in working ability, health, solid character, dark pigment and strength of bone.
All breeding stock at our facility is built for work. We do not breed for huge, oversized dogs for several reasons. #1: It would not be too the breeds standard or benefit. #2: Oversized dogs age and break down in structure quicker than a standard sized dog. #3: The majority of experienced/knowledgeable trainers/handlers who come to us for a true working dog do not want a giant.
The pedigrees of our dogs are well researched. Most contain generations of certified police/military/service dogs, serious protection dogs, and high level competition dogs. It is interesting to note that in contrast to the 1000's of dogs yearly that attain the SchH3 title, there are only less than 10 in Europe who are awarded the prestigious ZVV3 title each year and we have been very privileged to own two dogs of this accomplishment.
Our stud dog:
Lary Bret - Bett
Certifications: ZVV 3
Breed Survey: 5Y1/N, Selected 1st Breed Class.
Show Rating: Very Good
Hips/Elbows: 0/0
We are honored to have the opportunity to import this impeccably bred, ZVV 3 titled stud dog into the United States. This has been made possible by a consortium of people who share the same interest and goals. Our focus, as always, is to provide the German Shepherd enthusiasts with world class working genetics.
Lary is a strong, medium large, black male. He is selected 1st breeding class with very good conformation. He carries excellent hips, clear elbows and is breed surveyed considerable hardness, courage and fight drive. His strength of nerve is outstanding. He is absolutely 100% confident in every situation, and he exhibits this fully in his ability to quickly adapt to any new environment and new handler. His working drives, as noted by Novotny are considerable! Lary is a working dog that is very clear in the head. He does not attack without reason. His protection skills are excellent with bites that are absolutely full and strong. His jumps towards the handler are bombastic!!
A dog that was not up for commercial sale, Lary has been purchased directly out of the kennel Jinopo in the Czech Republic. Lary was utilized for the past 2 years as a top producing stud dog for this world famous working dog breeding program. This highly respected kennel is owned and operated by both the former head of genetics and director of training of the world-renowned Z Pohranicni straze (z PS) kennel; Mr. Jiri Novotny & Mr. Jiri Pokorny. At the relatively young age of 5 -1/2, Lary has sired well over 40 successful working litters at various top breeding programs in Europe. It is interesting to note that Lary received the ZVV 3 title under the training and handling of Mr. Jiri Novotny. There are only a few dogs each year that are of high enough caliber to be able to obtain the prestigious ZVV 3 title!!
We require the following information on a particular female in order to be approved for breeding:
#1: Proof of Hip and Elbow certification (OFA, PEN hip or Foreign) or copy of preliminary x-rays along with the vets phone number who has handled the procedure for authenticity purpose.
#2: Proof of a recent negative Brucellosis test of female for live breedings.
#3: Photo of female, records of any titling she may have attained and scores for our records.
#4: Copy of pedigree.
#5: We also ask to be kept informed of health, working certificates or titles from litters that are produced from our Studs to outside females.

Background from Yahoo search result ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like to keep in touch with my clients wherever they are, whatever they are doing now. So what's up!! Keep that sunblock on! My studio e-mail is screwed up right now, contact me on here for a while...



My Blog

Tattoo etiquette

This was in one of my friend's blogs, is right on!Look, don't touch: Tattoo etiquette  ...Look, don't touch: Tattoo etiquette at work or the grocery store, bar, work or whe...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:12:00 GMT

pretty cool

Bunker Buster Test Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 10:10:00 GMT

so I’m a rose...

                                    Which Flower are You? &n...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 23:43:00 GMT

Here’s how our second studio went bye-bye

Thursday, October 5, 2000 Dragon Lounge destroyed Blaze also damages nearby businesses By Venessa SantosCaller-Times ..> Manuel Garza/Caller-Times Firefighters arrive early Wednesday to battle a ...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 15:42:00 GMT

Forever Art Voted the Best of the Best
Posted by on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 15:35:00 GMT

My Beautiful Irises

Written by on of my lovely clients!  Thanks!Shortly before my boyfriend moved here, he mentioned getting tattoos together. At first, I wasn't sure what to think. When I was about 17, I thought a ...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 15:22:00 GMT

The Daily Texan Online Interview

CORPUS CHRISTI - Dave John-son spent 30 hours getting tattooed with a pair of multihued angel wings that stretched over his entire back. He did it to honor his grandmother, Angeline Geray, who died sh...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 15:17:00 GMT

tattoo article

here are a couple of good articles with a lot of info:A career that can get under your skin... Tattoo artist draws on Old Masters to leave new marks to on customers By JENNIFER STUMP Staff Writer &nb...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 00:18:00 GMT

A summary of all these stupid sturveys I'm addicted to... :)

..> ..> A summary of all these stupid sturveys I'm addicted to... Here is what the surveys say about me:   Who is your patron saint?  St. Francis of Assisi What time period should you h...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 14:16:00 GMT

upgrade our soldiers' helmets!

I was very excited when I saw this program. I was in Ramadi Iraq for seven months last year. I had so many problems with the kevlar helmet provided to me. It was very uncomfortable for one. I was in a...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 18:48:00 GMT