.:. A Message from Paul Jones .:. Concert Pianist .:.
Sarah West is one of those truly rare phenomena  that Divine Providence elects as a pontifex, or bridge, to span the gap between  actuality and possibilty, between what humankind believes to be true and what is sensed intuitively to be true .:.
This is no small matter. The greatest  minds of every culture and of every age unanimously speak of another world,  that to truly live is to surpass oneself, folding back to that astonishing part of us that partakes of this still point .:.
Sarah West gives audible life  to this stillness, this possibility, both through her singing and speech. As  a result, she is able to touch the deepest recesses of the heart, moving them  into alignment with the world behind appearances, the world, which the greater part of humanity yearns for now as never before .:.
Stated differently, Sarah  West is about that uncommon depth, the stuff of genius which we all recognize  immediately, that comes along in a rarefied embodiment to remind us all what this life is and what it is for .:.
As a concert veteran of some forty years,  and as someone who, himself, has performed with some of the very greatest musicians  in the world, I can say without qualification that Sarah West is in a class  by herself, embodying ideals both musically and personally that situate her  as a harbinger of the kind artist this planet of our demands. Fortunate indeed  are those, like myself, who, having heard, knew, and having known, were forever  changed. This is Ms. West's legacy, her gift to the people of the Earth .:.
"She is Divine!" - Wayne Dyer .:.
Why this name?.:. Band name is currently simply  my name... sometimes I come up with names other than my name but that hasn't  stuck yet. I'd love to do that though when I create a new sound with a group of amazing beings!! I'll update yah on that one! .:.
Do you play live?
I have played live all over the world including  at The White House Elipse on Earth Day, the United Nations in D.C. & New  York events, Cami Hall in NYC, New Age type expos all over the U.S.A., conferences  at the A.R.E. Edgar Cayce Center in Va. Beach, Va., Cathedrals throughout Europe,  theaters and churches throughout Peru, Churches throughout the U.S.A. and so  many other places... .:. One of the most special moments was singing in a terminally  ill ward at Duke University where I was invited to sing throughout the hospital during one of my tours and concerts there at Duke.
There was a man who  had been there for 3 years. After I delivered this moving piece by his side,  his wife who was kneeling at his feet told me that her husband had not smiled  in 3 years. He was grining a mile wide smile that was soooo beautiful. We were  all profoundly moved. These types of moments will ALWAYS be with me! It is  indescribable.
Sometimes singing alone or with a sacred few at  some crazy hour after midnight in a parking garage will be sooo extradinarily  moving .:. Actually, just about anytime that I close my eyes and begin to breath  in that special way that happens just before I sing is such a gift. To be the  instrument of sound, of feeling, of life moving and expressing, of the divine,  of the human condition melding into the unified expression emanating through this voice is simply ecstasy!
How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?
The internet is SIMPLY an answer to a prayer -- literally!!
About 15 years ago I visualized a network of  communication that spanned the globe where I could reach anyone feasibly. Where  I could put my gifts out to the world and anyone could see it .:. Where people  could be in touch no matter where they were almost.... .:. And lo and behold!!!  It was already happening in that small scientific university community by then,  I think! .:. Would you sign a record contract with a major label? .:. If they  were utterly committed to releasing lots of albums of mine and working with  me and honoring the artist and all that! .:. Band History :.:.: Here's my website:  http://www.SarahWest.com .:. You can come over to my site and see more about my "band" history! .:.
Your influences? .:.
I sang Carmina Burana, the  famous opera by Carl Orff when I was 6 years old. At home, I would put the  record on and sit right by the speaker and sing the libretto along with the  album .:. I also LOVED Carol King, The Sound of Music and Debbie Boon's You  Light Up My Life!... .:. I LOVED Dylan Thomas, the welsh poet who wrote A Child's  Christmas in Wales! I beyond ADORE his voice! .:. Other than that and the symphonies  I went to since I was born, my mother's voice - she was an opera singer in  NYC earlier on in her life... .:. And MOST OF ALL, Eternity! The Peace of Heaven  that my soul remembers that is far beyond the duality of this world. This is  what stirs me to open my voice to sing... to bring in this sound of peace, this harkening of Heaven's gates to open with us all!! .:.
Favorite spot? .:.
Do I have a favorite city?? For events or just  in general?? I LOVE southern Oregon and Northern California!! I LOVE Klammath  Falls and Ashland, OR areas and Mt. Shasta. These places are just HOME to me!! I LOVE nature, big trees, moss, lakes, etc... .:.
Equipment used :.:.: I have  a Boss Personalized Amplication System. We call it "The Obelisk"!  .:. Anything else...? .:. I have 8 CDs available now including : .:. : .:.  Sultana (2004), Lullaby of Peace (2005), Heaven (2004), Beloved (2001), Sanctuary  (2000), The Sacred Pyradmid (1997), Voice of Eternity (1995), Golden Solar Angel (1994) -_.:._- .:.