anime, anita blake, bast, buffy the vampire slayer, cats, celestial seasonings tea, chobits, clamp, computers, deliria, dungeons and dragons, faerie, fairy tales, fantasy, final fantasy, firefly, gaming, gaming conventions, george r. r. martin, harry potter, indian music, laughing pan, long distance relationships, rennaisance faires, manga, motherhood, mythology, myths, nature, occult, pagan, paganism, parenting, reiki, RIFTS, roleplaying, rpgs, scarborough faire, serenity, stephanie law, tarot, urban faerie tales, video games, witch, witchcraft, world of warcraft, writing, yoshitaka amano and MUCH MUCH MORE.
Well, I am good with meeting almost anyone new. Everyone has a story to tell and usually, I am willing to listen. My only requirement is that they treat me as I treat them. I try not to judge and listen as openly as possible. I expect the same., Rasputina, Lorena McKennitt, E Muzeki, Evanesence, Enigma, Dropkick Murphys, Flogging Molly, Corsairs, Imaginary Friends, SJ Tucker...those are the main and yeah, this will change on occasion. I like music that is different. I like music that isn't wrapped prettily in cellophane. I like music that makes me think. I like music that expresses something genuine other than the desire for money. Also have much love for the local music scene.
Fifth Element, Pirates of the Caribbean (Hell, almost any Johnny Depp movies for that matter), Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Fantasia (I and II....almost anything animated these days in all honesty I will check out), Lucky Number Sleven, Unbreakable, Princess Bride, the Mummy series, ALL Kevin Smith, Anything Peter Jackson
Lost and Ninja Warrior are about the only shows that make me turn on the TV.
Damn...almost anything fantasy and in a series. I will read almost anything.
Mom...hands down. My dad was also a hero in his own right because he lived -his- way. The world is full of heroes...and people to respect and honor.