STONEFREE, Aka: Greg profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Well, let me tell you about me. I've been single now for over 18 years. I've had traumatic experiences that have resulted in changing the entire way that I view life. As my own person, I feel that the life I have been living and the way I have been living improves daily. There hasn't been a day gone by that I haven't found a new and exciting way of viewing others opinions, views, and feelings. I've managed to acquire so many good and true friends (and lost a few through death), that the gift of friendship means more to me now than it ever did. The "friends" on the page, no matter how far away or close-by they are, all are actually folks I've learned something from and respect their position and their pursuit of happiness. Most are gifted and talented musicians and I wish all of you the best in your careers. I only wish that early in my life, I would have had the courage to go against my parents wishes and become who I'd really like to be. But, I was raised by another generation and I did listen and believe what my parents were telling me and forgot about chasing my own dreams. I'll never stand in the way of my son's pursuit of happiness and his dreams and I'll back him 100% I am so proud of what he's accomplished so far in his life. I look forward to someday actually seeing his musical talent recognized on a Global realm and perhaps even get to the point where "THE MONEY" comes in enough to keep him happy, out of debt and perpetuating. I've played music since I was 8 years old. I learned to play drums in the fourth grade, got into the band in Jr. High, and the Band and Orchestra in High School. I was one of the only 14 year olds in school that didn't have a paper route. I spent my weekends playing music in fraternal organizations with my first band I played in; "Buddy Kaye and the Casuals". I've played music with almost every musician around my age in my hometown at one time or another. Now, I just enjoy getting together with new talent, playing and jamming with friends, writing new songs, making cd's and thanks to the internet.....have found a new freedom of expression and vehicle to launch my hopes and dreams. When I was 24, right after getting married, I formed the band Stonefree. There were in all many phases of Stonefree and the musicians changed alot. But none the less, I scheduled the rehearsals, booked the gigs, did the advertising and promotions and had a wonderful time with all of the musicians who at one time or another played in my band. Solo Magazine in Frederick Maryland published some short stories I put together under the guise of Jason Everheart. After going Solo and putting my albums together I used the name Jason Stone from the writing days and Stone from the band days. I have three albums out. Thinkin Bout You; Ride The Train; and Stoned Again. You can hear and purchase my tunes on my website here on MySpace at; or also at; or
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My Interests

Music, drums, festivals, concerts, buying and selling on Ebay, getting together with my son, sharing good times with friends, playing out to the public any chance I get, and keeping my body healthy.

I'd like to meet:

I'd really like to meet a wonderful women that loves music. Just like to find someone to hang out with, have dinner with, and share some good times, watch a movie and cuddle up, go camping, promises...I just like to let life take care of itself and see what tomorrow brings. If the chemistry is right, well then we just might have the formula for success.I enjoy meeting other musicians that want to get together to jam, and Texas Holden Players.


MY MUSIC, Country Artists, R&R, Blues, Classical, New Wave, .....@%!$@ I like just about any kind of music... I'm a musician!


All Sci-Fi and Horror Pictures, Documentaries, Some romance movies...I still like Pretty Woman and Officer and a Gentlemen.


About the only time I watch TV is for the Music Awards shows and the News. I do like the forensic files and ci, hate the cops shows like Badboys tho.


To be quite honest...other than car manuals, training manuals I can't really remember the last book I read. In college I read a lot of books, poetry, The Bible. But none lately...recommend me one.


My Dad, Jesus , Sylvester Stallone, Charles Bronson, Steven Segael, John Wayne, JFK. Just send this team over to Iraq and they'd have it cleaned up in no time and everyone behaving like they should. I wish Bush could get his ass on the front line one time...then, maybe he'd bring all our troops home. I'm sorry but Bush is the biggest mistake for a president this country has ever seen.

My Blog


Saturday, the first day ....only had a quick glimpse of a deer for about 15 seconds then it ran away. No shot presented. Friends i went with got cold and left around 9am. I stayed out but it d...
Posted by STONEFREE, Aka: Greg on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 04:00:00 PST