good lit... good conversation... dinner... people who know how to curse... movies with plots, scripts and good dialogue...
People who ask why because it matters. People who are interesting in lasting ways (intellect, sincerity, depth, warmth...). People without vapid glam shots and are not obsessed with their appearance. People who actually know what intelligent conversation is. People who know enough to make sure their profiles are Safari friendly. People who know what Safari is. People who read/think/live outside the box.
People who are Everyday People. =D
People who know they deserve to be accepted and not just tolerated. People that can think objectively. People who'll eat soul food with me. People who've got grandmothers that cook soul food. People who will invite me over to sample Grandma's yams, collard greens and stuff.
Other than that, all your average heathens, whores, outcasts, and social misfits are welcome.... BUT NO IRISH!
My website:
Contacting me: Feel free to add me, just let me know who ya are. Remove the dash to contact my arse. :)AOL IM: Meta-Pee
X-fire (Gaming):
If you REALLY want to know me, check out my "subversive" Amazon wish list . I'm a big believer in we are what we read. Share yours.
Anything well written and composed regardless of genre. Lyrics, lyrics, lyrics; that's my motto. a film GAWD (or snob, I'll admit).Testament, Apocalypse Now, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Goldfinger, Like Water for Chocolate, Memento, Pulp Fiction, Ran, The Apartment, Vertigo, Rear Window, Logan's Run, Tie Me Up Tie Me Down, Shaft, The Rapture, Cabin in The Sky, Dr. Stranglove, American Pimp, The Believer, The Stranger, The Seventh Seal (Bergman, bitches.), The Day The Earth Stood Still, The Hidden Fortress, Goodfellas, La Jetee', Rope, Harvey (for all you Donnie Darko lovers, you might wanna see La Jetee' and Harvey at some time in your lives.), Superfly... hell any blaxpoitation flick, City of Lost Children, Der Undergang, Four Weddings And Funeral, Raising Arizona, Blazing Saddles, Ben Hur, In The Heat of The Night, The Longest Day, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind ....
ST:TOS, The Flash (The 80's 90's series), Moonlighting, Smallville, Any corny show produced by Glen Larson in the 70's and 80's, Iron Chef, Frontline, Nova, Doctor Who. I don't watch much TV in itself these days.
The Illuminatus Trilogy, The Solitaire Mystery, To Reign In Hell, Watchmen, Stranger In A Strange Land, The Bluest Eye, Thorns, Red Storm Rising, Mumbo Jumbo, Breakfast of Champions, The Divine Comedy, Sophie's World, Critique of Pure Reason, The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich, Where The Wild Things Are, The Elegant Universe, Welcome To The Monkeyhouse, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Stranger In A Strange Land, Invisible Man (Ellison), I Am Legend, The Lucifer Principle, The White Plague, The Culture of Make Believe, V For Vendetta, Day One, Surrender The Pink, Heart Of Darkness, The Difference Engine, Hyperion, Mayday, The Woman Warrior, Earth Abides... if you know me, you know how much I love reading.
To my man RSB... yo, he's non stop; And to DAS and Siu you know they nonstop; Yo that girl Siouxsie, yo, she's non-stop; and to Cecelia B.B. you know she's non stop; And that negro Dan Freeman yo he's non stop; And to my cousin Tim L., you know he's non-stop; My siblings Kelli and L.R. yo, they non-stop; And to my man Aaron Dietz, you know he's non-stop; And my man Vernon E. yo he's non-stop; And my man Russell you know he's non stop...