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Bob Fingerman

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About Me

DISCLAIMER REGARDING FRIEND REQUESTS: If I don't know you personally or professionally, take a few seconds to write me a message if you want to be added. Just say hello and let me know why you want to be added. SERIOUSLY!

I am a writer/artist, having been in the comic book field for the last twenty-odd years. I've worked for almost every major company, including Marvel and DC (and its internal imprints Paradox and Vertigo), but mainly Fantagraphics and Dark Horse. It's from those two publishers that the bulk of my work has been released. My graphic novel, Beg the Question, was put out by Fantagraphics. My books, You Deserved It and the zombie extravaganza, Recess Pieces (see art below), are both from Dark Horse..

In the past few years I've been branching out, having written several traditional prose novels. Dark Horse's new imprint, M Press, released my debut novel, BOTTOMFEEDER, in January 2007.

I'm very happily married to Michele (we've been together for 16 years!), and live in New York City.

Jesus, that's dry. That's really, really arid. But I dunno. I mean, these About Me things, they're for whom, exactly? Strangers? People just cruising for MySpace "friends?" I assume people who want to be my "friend" already know my work. Whatever. I don't really get the MySpace. But here I am.

If you want more of this newfangled self-absorbed horseshit, visit my Live Journal:

And my website:

G4's super-groovy Blair Butler reviews Recess Pieces in a zombie-themed installment of "Fresh Ink!" on the übergeek spectacular, Attack of the Show:

My Interests

I'm a book and DVD addict. I buy a smattering of comics including anything by Mike Mignola, Moebius, Francois Boucq, Nicolas de Crecy, Jacques Tardi, Richard Corben, Dan Clowes, Guy Davis, R. Crumb and a handful of others. I love going to museums, checking out all the amazing art. I like seeing shitty art, too. It makes me appreciate the good stuff all the more. Great contemporary artists I revere include Dave Cooper, Todd Schorr, Mark Ryden, John Currin, Jenny Saville, Lucien Freud. And I have an unhealthy love for ZOMBIES!

I'd like to meet:

Fellow industry professionals (writers, artists, directors, book and comics retailers, etc.), like-minded folks who share some of my listed interests, and (not to sound egotistical) fans of my work.


The Beatles, DEVO, The Ramones, Queen, Metallica, The Lunachicks, Rob Zombie, NIN, The Upper Crust, Judas Priest, Rammstein, The Cars, Circle Jerks; there are plenty more but I don't want to get into all that. Jazz, like Charles Mingus, Ornette Coleman, Shorty Rogers, Stan Kenton, Sonny Rollins. I like some oddball stuff. Perrey & Kingsley were great. Same goes for The Swingle Singers. I listen to a lot of spoken word stuff, especially comedy.


Largely geeky escapist fare, leaning towards the more sci-fi and horror oriented stripe. David Cronenberg is one of my all-time faves. George A. Romero's zombie tetralogy is pivotal. I've suffered through many bad zombie movies, but also enjoyed many good ones. The 2004 reinvention of Dawn of the Dead was excellent. Shaun of the Dead is a masterpiece. Plaga Zombie: Zona Mutante is lots of fun (and the "John West" theme song is infectious as hell). Phantasm. Anything with Bruce Campbell (anything).
I love movies. Too many to list, really. Of all genres. Except, maybe, romantic comedies. And musicals. But even there, one or two slip by.


Again, escapist stuff. Buffy, Angel, the new Battlestar Galactica, Lost, Farscape, Sliders, The Prisoner. Good comedy, like Freaks and Geeks (though that's sort of dramedy, no?), Undeclared, MST3K, Monty Python, Black Adder, Mr. Show, Spaced, The Office (the British one; I haven't seen the American version, though I hear it's good), Brass Eye, Strangers with Candy, Reno 911, The Larry Sanders Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Odd Couple, Futurama, The Simpsons, South Park. Deadwood. Dexter. There's more, but that's enough to get the gist. The old series, Naked City, is a classic everyone should run out and get on DVD. Amazing.


Favorite authors include Philip K. Dick, Terry Southern, Bruce Jay Friedman, Jerry Stahl, Donald Westlake, Chuck Palahniuk, Tom DeHaven, Thom Metzger, Leander Watts, Augusten Burroughs, Philip Roth, Will Self, William S. Burroughs, David Rakoff, Sarah Vowell, Jonathan Ames, Jonathan Lethem, Joe R. Lansdale, Ramsey Campbell and always adding.


In no particular order: Ken Nordine, Jonathan Winters, Peter Cook, Woody Allen (older vintage), David Cronenberg, George A. Romero, Terry Gilliam, Philip K. Dick, Terry Southern, William S. Burroughs, Bruce Campbell, Sam Raimi, Moebius, Richard Corben, R. Crumb, Walt Kelly, Charles M. Schulz, DEVO, Tim Schafer (the genius behind Grim Fandango and Psychonauts), Bill Hicks, Bill Maher, Trey Parker, George Carlin, Harvey Kurtzman. And more...

My Blog

I’ve started a New Art Blog Thing

Yep, I've started a blog thing devoted entirely to makin' perty pictures. If you want to check it out, click here.
Posted by Bob Fingerman on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:38:00 PST


I'm excited about having a brand-new two-page comic strip in the new issue of GQ magazine (with Lindsay Lohan on the cover). I was commissioned to do a travelogue featuring a favorite vacation spot. I...
Posted by Bob Fingerman on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 03:45:00 PST

New BOTTOMFEEDER Reviews & Interview

Here's some new press for BOTTOMFEEDER: y-bob-fingerman.html
Posted by Bob Fingerman on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:42:00 PST

Project Empathy

It's really tough trucking around as a misanthrope cursed with empathy. For the most part I really am turned off by humankind. By and large, people are stupid, venal, ugly, brutish, selfish creatures....
Posted by Bob Fingerman on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 10:06:00 PST


My debut novel, BOTTOMFEEDER, is now available and I want everyone to buy a copy and read it. I'm really proud of this book, and getting it published is an achievement I've been working towards for ye...
Posted by Bob Fingerman on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 12:01:00 PST

Join the BOTTOMFEEDER MySpace Page...

Folks!I've put up a MySpace exclusively devoted to my forthcoming novel, BOTTOMFEEDER. I'll be putting up any and all press for the book, plus some exclusive material. Please check it out and add...
Posted by Bob Fingerman on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:10:00 PST

ATTN: Movie Trivia Experts! Help Me Out!

I've had this promotional item in my collection of junk for years, but for the life of me I can't recall just what the hell it was promoting. I've done word searches on every bit of text printed on th...
Posted by Bob Fingerman on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 02:02:00 PST

Rare Happy Blog

Tonight was one of those rare nights where I actually felt very lucky indeed to live here in New York City, which is not to imply that I'm not lucky to live here but merely that I take it for granted....
Posted by Bob Fingerman on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:16:00 PST

Why Johnny Cant Read& at College Level

Lern to spel at the Nu Skool. Logging onto MySpace I saw the following ad for The New School: I've always had my doubts about the quality of education one receives there and now those misgiv...
Posted by Bob Fingerman on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 11:30:00 PST

Fantagraphics Art Show at The Society of Illustrators in New York

This massive art exhibition features over 100 pieces by dozens of authors published by Fantagraphics over the last 30 years, including Daniel Clowes, Gilbert Hernandez, Jaime Hernandez,...
Posted by Bob Fingerman on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 03:05:00 PST