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Hwy 5


About Me

Highway 5 Film Festival Recap
by Jessie Sasser Daniel ...
A host of Atlanta independent film makers had a chance to see their work on the big screen recently as they took part in the first annual Highway 5 Film Festival in Marietta on Feb. 17 and 24, 2006. The festival, brainchild of native Atlanta filmmaker Marian Wagner , included a selection of films by local auteurs such as Sasquatch B , Illustrated Films , Taj Turner , Gary Lynch , Scott Stamper ,and Christopher Thomas . Admission (and submission) to the festival was free.
Southern Screen Report
It..s midnight..do you know where your film is?
by Charles Judson ...
The brainchild of Atlanta filmmaker Marian Wagner, the Hwy 5 Film Festival..held February 17 and 24 in Marietta..was originally intended as a simple one-day event where Wagner and a handful of others would get the opportunity to showcase their work. But once the call went out and the submissions came pouring in, the screening list had grown to 20 films. To accommodate them all, Wagner expanded the festival to a second day of showings.
Hosted by El Cine Mireles as a part of their Midnight Indies series, Hwy 5 was MCed by local filmmaker Barry King . Students from the Art Institute of Atlanta filmed the proceedings for a documentary project.

My Interests


Guest Check
Trust Beam
Performance Anxiety
Just Asking for It
Lovely Rita
The Bargain
Prequel Apology Syndrome
No More
Boxed In
Why Did I Take a Night Class
The Idiot Boxer
Nine to Five
Cold Cuts
Stealing Babette
Friendly Box
A Tale of the Ragged Mountains
Platelets: Lepidopteraphage
Dial 911