Horror Movies, Lots of Horror Movies, Monsters, Make Up FX. Sculpting, Airbrushing, Playing Drums, Guitar and Piano. Hanging out with Charley Chico and Rocky, My three Dogs. Most of all just be around my wife Susana, that's the best thing in the world!
'Just looking to meet new people that are into make up fx, movie industry and special effects. I am not here to bitch about George Bush, Bitch about the war in Iraq or preach about 911. Just a little networking, hoping to find that one big movie that will make me a house hold name like, Sludge, backwash or Mad Cow disease! I would love to meet Billy Bob Thornton, Robert Rodriguez, Gene Simmons, Rob Bottin,Team America, and the "Movie Voice Over Guy"...
Matchbox 20, Kiss, 3 Doors Down, Arosmith, Collective Soul, Billy Joel, Paul Simon, Frank Sinatra, Elton John, Alice Cooper, Cheap Trick, Blues Travelers, Counting Crows, The Badlees, Sister Hazel, Dr. Steel, Mr. Bungle, Janes Addiction, Chili Peppers, Doobie Brothers, REM,
Alien I, II, III. Bofinger, Coming to America, scary Movie 1 2 3 4, Did I say Team America?, Nightmare on Elm Street (all of them),Silence of the Lambs.American Werewolf in London, The Howelling, Funhouse, ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Bram Stokers Dracula, Slither, Hostel,Friday the 13th (all of em'), Starship Troopers,JAWS, Rosemary's Baby, It's Alive, Feast, Saw I, Saw II (Have not had time to see #3 yet)
Myth Busters, Sci Fi Channel. South Park. Star Trek (the old one, it's so damn corny!)MAD TV, Saturday Night Live (back when it was funny), Discovery channel, Blue Collar TV, Any comedy on Comedy Central, I make my Dogs watch "the Dog Whisperer", (It's not helping at all) CSI, Crossing Jordan, MR. Rogers Neighborhood.
The Bible, Dick Smith Adavanced Proffesional MAke Up Course. Special FX Books. Portuguese and Iatalian dictionaries....can't get the Portuguese at all!
Jesus Christ. My Dad, and he's been gone 9 years and he still is my heroe! Dick Smith, my friend and Mentor. Rick Baker Rich Mayberry, Steve Wang, Dave Snyder, Bill Johnson, Greg Cannom,Bob Kurtzman, Greg Nicotero,Blly Bob Thornton, Sly Stalone,David Leroy Anderson, Buddy Rich, Peter Criss, My little Brother,