Bondage fun, roleplaying forced sex fantasies, my boyfriend Jon (11 years now), my husband Eric (14 years now), (yes they know and they know each other and it's okay etc), and my 2 crazy dogs :)
You and I have already met... in the collective unconscious
Young Frankenstein
"There wolf. There castle"
"Where are you going? I was gonna make espresso"
Rocky Horror Picture Show
"Do you think I made a mistake, splitting his brain between the two of them?"
"It's a damn good thing you don't know how much he hates your guts"
South Park the Movie
"Remember what the MPAA says; Horrific, deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty woids! That's what this war is all about"
Blazing Saddles
"Send wire, main office, tell them I said ow, gotcha"
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
"In the end, the universe tends to unfold as it should. Plus I have a really large penis"
Cannibal the Musical
"The relative minor is three half-tones DOWN from the major, not up!"
"Can't... think... Can't.... move... Can't... speak in complete sentences
Team America
"Let me explain to you the kind of man Gary is. He's a man who knows that when you put another man's cock in your mouth, you make a pact."
"You had me at 'dicks fuck assholes'."
The Incredibles
"You sly dog! You got me monologuing!"
"Noooo capes!"
Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
"I sleep now!"
"Do you know the muffin man?"
Toy Story
(Objects in mirror are closer than they appear)
Animal Crackers
"When you come near a song, let me know"
Austin Powers
"How dare you break wind before me"
"I am alone... I am utterly alone"
Duck Soup
"So, you refuse to shake hands with me"
The Meaning of Life
"My mother said to me, 'Garcon. The world is a beautiful place, and you must spread joy and contentment everywhere you
"You don't have to go leaping straight for the clitoris"
Heaven Can Wait
"You idiot! Why did you answer him?"
"I couldn't resist. His will is too strong."
Muppet Movie
"I'm on my way to New York City to try to break into public television"
A Night at the Opera
"You can't fool me! There ain't no Sanity Claus!"
Naked Gun
"Entering without a search warrant, destroying property, arson, sexual assault with a concrete dildo... what the hell... ?"
Nightmare Before Christmas
early Woody Allen films
I love comedy, animation & musicals. Real life is already too serious, for me to watch a movie or tv show that doesn't make me laugh.
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."
Adult Swim!
Venture Bro's
"You're my arch-enemy! That's what I do! That's my thing!"
Robot Chicken
"Wow, Prime sure has to urinate a lot."
"Kif, I have made it with a woman. Inform the men."
"Let's face it, comedy is a dead art form. Now tragedy, ha ha ha, that's funny."
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law
"But I do believe corporations rob us of our dignity and independence, and that these systems must be ripped down, burnt down, or leveled by any force necessary. But that's just one little bear's opinion."
Family Guy
(Brian) "Say we were both drunk, and we knew we wouldn't remember?"
(Lois) "I'd have to be really dr-... No!"
Home Movies
"Of course you're stupid, Brendon. All kids are stupid."
Sealab 2021
"Bizarro! I love you! Bizarro! I love you!"
The Critic
"You're my super freak, super freaky"
Welcome to Eltingville
"But Bill! If I get Boba Fett, he could bounty hunt my other guys!"
My Name is Earl
Randy: "Number 133: Peed in the back of a police car."
Earl: "I'm no longer proud about that."
SM 101 by Jay Wiseman, The Fan Man by Kotzwinkle, Elfquest