partying hard! Rocking out! Air guitar! Hot Showers! Shows! Being a nerd and Adult swim!
No one really definatly got the friend sitch under control! you are welcome to try though.................ya dumb ass!
Metal, Punk Metal, Progresive Thrash, Speed Metal, Metal, Rock, Roll, Thrash, Metal, Adventure metal, black metal, Death meta, Regular metal, 80s metal, Jazz core, metal, metal, metal, metal, metal, rock AND roll metal, new wave? METAL METAL METAL AND MORE METAL!
Movies that dont suck for one thing more specificly i like mafia and war movies alot for some reason and scary ones and ones that are thae kind that you laugh at like umm the Godfather, ofice space, fight club, ninja turtles 2 featuring vanila ice YES!, band of brothers even though its really more of a mini series clerks, 28 days later dawn of the dead or pretty much any thing with zombies is sweet and im not a big fan of richard gere but i thought the mothman prophecy was a kick ass movie.
I realy like cartoons and im a big fan of the daily show right now........yeah thats about it. OH YEAH! I hate Scooby do that fucking dog pisses me off!
I do not read books I just stare them down untill I get the info I need.
Captan Planet................FAKE!!!!!!!