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CURRENT MOON lunar phase"I'm so sick of all the BULLSHIT!!!!!"........ "I'D RATHER BE HATED FOR WHO I AM THAN LOVED FOR WHO I AM NOT"....."If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans!!!"..... I GOT A PhD in "THE HARD WAY"It's Never to late to be what you might have been!Ulali All My Relations Native American

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My Interests

My Husband, my Dogs and Mother Nature.
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I'd like to meet:

Kid Rock!!! Just so I can slap him for being with Pamela Anderson.


I love everything. If it's good and touches me, I'll listen. If not, I change the channel.....
..The Enlightened Time


TV sucks. If I can't learn anything from it, I won't watch it.


Mostly nonfiction and true crimes. I like to know what makes people tick.


Chief Joseph, who went through pure hell trying to lead his people to Freedom. Another most honorable hero is Russell Means. The more I read about this man, the more I love him. And, everyone who fought in the Civil War. You had to have real guts to fight the way they did.But my biggest hero is my Dad who grew up a poor moonshiner's son in the mountains of WV. He worked himself to death just so his kids would have the things he never had. He died at such a young age. I miss you but I always feel your hand on my shoulder leading me down the right path of honesty and hard work.Steve Earle - Copperhead Road