Vitamin A profile picture

Vitamin A

As long as you seek reality, you will get only its shadow

About Me

My page is best viewed at 1024 x 768With one exception, my top friends are in alphebetical order according to first name, that's the way I roll.
I'm a bit of a weird one. I tend to think too much, draw too much, play too much Guitar Hero, and watch too many movies. Aside from that, everything you need to know about me is in this picture. If you have a guess what I mean by this, fell free to let me know.

My Interests

There is nothing we do which isn't a self portrait. The clothes you wear, the way you walk, that look in your eyes, it all telegraphs who you are.

I'd like to meet:

First and foremost, I would like to meet people with a firm grasp of English grammer. By this I mean if you use words like "lib, ish, dat, or diz" I really will probably just think you're dumb... and a lot of other people do too, they just don't say anything.
I'd like to meet people with various interests and backgrounds. I want to meet creative people who are passionate and undetourable. If people call you stubborn, chances are, I'll call you determined.
This ninja fetus guy here, he's awesome.
And another thing, I don't care about your band, so don't try to add me to your friends list if your just promoting your band, because honestly, you're just pissing me off.
Furthermore, if you add me just to have another number on your counter, leave me alone. Typically, I'll add you if you ask, and you've got two weeks to say something interesting.


Soman, Fienflug, Razed in Black, Informatik, Juno Reactor, God Module, Funker Vogt, VNV Nation, Das Ich, E-Kraft, and The Notorious MSG.


Fight Club, I,Zombie, Pi, Jacob's Ladder, Unbreakable, Silent Hill, Nightwatch, In the Mood for Love, Run Ronnie Run


Venture Bros.


Invisible Monsters


Peter Chung, and the guy who comes up with the Silent Hill games.

My Blog

Work hard

Go to college, get a degree. Better yet, within 5 years, get 2. You won't be able to get the job you want with that though, so you'll have to get one in the meantime to tide you over. Go out, buy...
Posted by Adam on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 02:37:00 PST

You want a peek into my head?

I have three reoccuring dreams, one is that I can breath underwater, one is that I'm looking for something (usually digging), and the other is that my teeth are falling out. This last one has bee...
Posted by Adam on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:43:00 PST

Choking on my own Rage

I have completely lost the ability to vent in a creative and constructive manner. I am so disappointed in myself.... I get an F. Ah well, back to work.
Posted by Adam on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:32:00 PST

Absolution... take 2

If I told you that in your eyes I saw fires of a far away place If I told you that in your smile I saw indescribable warmth and beauty If I told you that in your mind I saw belonging and acceptance &n...
Posted by Adam on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 05:41:00 PST

I few things regarding the number one lady in my life, Psalm

For those of you who don't know, the girl in all my pictures (exept for the ones labeled "Pestilence", and "Pariah") is a lady who I've been calling Psalm. When she shows up, it's usually in some...
Posted by Adam on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 04:01:00 PST

It's about that time again

Every year right around this time, I start thinking about where I was last year, and how things have changes since. I think I'm going to keep it real short this time. If nothing else, I've abandoned a...
Posted by Adam on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:31:00 PST

Work in progress part 2

It would seem that my most recent character, aside from being a total badass, also drives women to deviant lifestyles. So with that in mind, here's how she's coming along! Hope you've enjoyed...
Posted by Adam on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:20:00 PST

Work in Progress

So, here's what I did all weekend. She still needs some adjustments here and there, but you get the idea.   More to come, and probably a video....
Posted by Adam on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:04:00 PST

Do you want to see something cool?

I am trying to organize a trip to go here,_Pennsylvania If you're cool, you'll want to go, then you'll ask me "Adam, when is the trip to Centralia, and can I com...
Posted by Adam on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 02:08:00 PST

I need your help!

Ok, so I was really bored at work today, so I quickly sketched out a few ideas for my next 3D project. Initially, I was going to have Cupid be the main character, but then later decided because of his...
Posted by Adam on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 05:43:00 PST