Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH profile picture

Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH

That chick with the Iron Maiden shirt!(met so many people wearing that shirt!) I AM THE DOOMBRINGER!

About Me

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I'm at the end of the stage, denim vest. Crescent Shield show/old school 80's metal show/power metal.5-30-07
ADD ME: http://allhailthequeen.renspace.com/

My robot baby, GIR says
My daughter..many years in the future from now
(Deutsch ist unten) ABOUT ME(wow are you going to read this?!) My name: Demon Doll Stagename: Eris My b-day: June 9th Height:5'6" Weight:130lbs Eye color: Blue (to law) Blue green (as I and many see) Hair color: brown (but I dye it every now and then) Occ.:Singer/Make up artist/ Model Where my heart is?: ...no comment. My Perfect Love: someone who will understand me, respect me, someone who is loyal (won't use me or dump me for a dumb ass reason), someone who will always be there for me and love me till the day I die and after...I don't want to seem fucked up but NO MORE AMERICAN MEN! MEN FROM EUROPE ONLY!!! Alright, I maybe Bi but girls...I really can't stand realtionships with them. MY BLOOD: I'M A GOD DAMN EURO MUTT! I am part; German, British, Scottish, Irish, Spaniard, and Italian Funny fact, all my blood is well HEAVY DRINKERS united..LOLGEMINI ~~~~~~ Spontanious. Horny.High sex appeal. Rare to find. kinky. Loves being in long relationships. also very good in bed.AUF DEUTSCHÜBER MICH (wow wollen Sie dies lesen!) Mein Name: Demon Doll Stagename: Eris Mein b-Tag: 9. Juni Höhe: 5'6 " Gewicht: 130lbs Augenfarbe: blau (zu Recht) blaugrün (wie ich und viele sehen) Haarfarbe: braun (aber ich Farbstoff es hin und wieder) Occ.: Singer / Make up Künstlerin / Modell Wo mein Herz ist?: ... Kein Kommentar.Meine Vollkommene Liebe: jemand, der mich verstehen wird, respektiert mich, jemand, der loyal ist (wird mich nicht verwenden oder mich aus einem stummen Esel-Grund abladen), jemand, der immer dort für mich sein und mich bis zum Tag lieben wird, sterbe ich und danach... Ich will nicht versaut aber KEINE MEHR AMERIKANISCHEN MÄNNER scheinen! MÄNNER VON EUROPA NUR!!! Ganz richtig, ich vielleicht Bi aber Mädchen... Ich kann nicht wirklich realtionships mit ihnen ertragen. MEIN BLUT: ich bin Ein GOTT VERDAMMTE EUROPROMENADENMISCHUNG! Ich bin Teil; Deutsch, britisch, schottisch, irisch, Spanier, und Italienisch. Komische Tatsache, mein ganzes Blut ist gut SCHWERE vereinigte ALKOHOLIKER.. LOLZWILLINGE ~~~~~~ Spontanious. Hornig. Hoher Sex Appeal. Selten zu finden. verworren. Lieben, die in langen Beziehungen sind. auch sehr gut im Bett.More info for true children of darkness: I maybe young but my past lives date all the way back to anicent Egypt. I am one of these rare people who has 2 souls within. One of my own, which is me, Clarissa. The 2nd is the mother of all who are damned. I was born when her body was distroyed. She wanted me and now we are one.....the rebirth and now the new mother is here.Mehr Info für wahre Kinder der Finsternis: ich vielleicht jung aber mein voriges Lebendsdatum den ganzen Weg zurück nach dem anicent Ägypten. Ich bin einer dieser seltenen Leute, der 2 Seelen innerhalb dessen hat. Einer meiner eigenen, der ich, Clarissa ist. Der 2. ist die Mutter von allen, wer verdammt werden. Ich war geboren, als ihr Körper distroyed war. Sie wollte mich, und jetzt sind wir ein ..... die Wiedergeburt, und jetzt ist die neue Mutter hier. V V V V V V In the back of my mind..... V V V V V V In this life I was born in the year of 1988. I maybe young, but, I lived many lives before this one and my soul is thousands of years old. Anyways back to this life now... I grew up a simple life, yet I think of this life as a mistake. From the fact my mom was only the age of 18 when she gave birth to me. I was born stressed from her. As simple as that. I had no father; he left my lift to only return when I was 15-16 years old, trying to play a "father" role. While I will never see him fully in that light. At one point in my young child hood I was a "god lover". My uncle and aunt took me to church with them every Sunday morning and did some other things with the church Friday nights. At that point in time I prayed every night, every day, giving my life to god. Even at one foolish point I wanted to be a nun and be forever in god's eyes. In time that changed. The other children at church mocked me, for no really reason. I had no friends; I had no one. It got so bad that I never went to Sunday school but went with the adults to the main part of the church was. Still hoping god cared about me and would one day hear my prayers. Also be one of his most "perfect children". It only became darker and I felt I was starting to waste my time praying to a god who NEVER cared for me. I stopped going to church, I stopped reading the bible and threw anything that was holy away. I lived just another life, looking up to nothing and no one. Until I began to study the Satanic and Pagan ways of my ancestors. Shortly I found out while I was such an outcast of god and the people who loved their god. It wasn't meant to be. I used to summon demons from hell itself until I dared to call upon the dark lord himself. In awe, he came. Deeply, he never left. I believe in time Satan and the ancient gods will rise up upon the earth and bring their wrath down upon the non-believers.
Capt. Dusty Rosselle Aye, that be me pirate name! Ye best be goin' to the Rosselle myspace page to be findin' out more about the story! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=246137725&MyToken=ed009ceb-ec46-4fbb-9 d0f-e9d06fe0c515
Other Ren. faire/Cosplay name stuff..I go by YES I AM PRETTY NERDY! Freja-Erna Alois: Viking/Bar. myspace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=247888575&MyToken=e69d8d74-a2f4-4910-9 c56-f5a5318074c4Clara Johnstone: Scottish/celtic warrior Greta Edzard: Fair maiden Gisela: Immortal/queen/bar. Cenobia Asa: Twi'lek More list on my renspace....
Weather In Munich, Germany
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METAL FOREVER!!! METAL IS LIFE!!! Metall für immer!!! Metall ist das Leben!!!
Joanna Asam Nov.1906- May 1, 2007 You will be missed, my great grandmother. She was apart of the Cotta name, which began in Rome. The Cotta family was realtied to Julius Ceaser of Rome. When she was born and raised in Germany. She left Germany at a young age and went to America. There she lived in New York and met the love of her life. She married and had one son. Her husband died young of cancer. Soon her son married and had three daughters with his wife (my aunts and mom). She passed away in a nursing home a few months shy of her 101st birthday.
JEFFREY MICHAEL McCAULLEY June 13, 1970 - July 4th, 2006 I remember when I first met Jeff when I was young. I was so little his tattoos scared me at first, but then after sometime when he kept coming over to my home and I saw how nice he was he showed me one of his tattoos of a wolf and a moon. I was this little girl in awe of a tattoo! He was a nice guy in the short time I knew him. He always seemed happy and full of life. He was always there when you needed him with a smile on his face. After a while I haven't seen him and much trouble and problems fell upon him in his life. He over came them and was getting his life back but sadly just as this happened he left us. It's not fair that he left right when his life got back together, but life isn't fair. I will miss him greatly because he was apart of my life for sometime. We will all miss you Jeff!
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More GIFs of me
Pictures in a Scroll Box
My Zombiefriends(NEVER ON)

My vampfreaks,never on it really..

I am a dragon within...(Ich bin ein Drache innerhalb dessen...)
"The Pit Bull Problem" Click here to see
I though this was cute I only wish someone would do this for me
18 Ways To Win A Girl's Heart
1. Hugs from behind.
2. Grab her hand when you walk next to each other.********
3. When standing, wrap your arms around her.
4. Cuddle with her.
6. Write little notes.
7. Compliment her Honestly.
8. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.
9. Be super sweet to her.
11. Comfort her when she cries.
12.Wipe away her tears
13. Love her with all your heart.
14. Pick her up and flirt with her (she'll scream and say put me down but really she loves it).
15. Be a gentleman (hold the door for her).
16. Don't let your friends talk trash about her, it'll get back 2 her!
17. Take her for a long walk at night!
18. Always bring a blanket where ever you go outside to comfort her and hold her close

GAMES I PLAY OFFLINE/.. PS2 GAMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soul Calibur 3 Need for speed underground Kessen 2(I beat it on ..h '05) Sims Bustin' out Sims Urbs Dynasty Warriors 2 Silent Hill 3 Grand Theft Auto 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PC GAMES WORLD OF WARCRAFT Sever: ShadowsongCirdanella Blood elfSever: RexxarDemondoll UndeadSever: Earthern RingDamiella UndeadSever: Malygos My Chars: Aderina UndeadMelevena undeadVellenne Night ElfKamiraceli Human
Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

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I am a....

~~Likes~~ Junk food, porn( :P ), singing(my life), gaveyards(Odd but true), Vamps(as in vampires and vamps), poems, dogs, snakes, almost all animals, art work,the 1300's-1700's, Anicent Egypt, blood, sex, And rock n'roll! All metal and some rock music(and some techno here and there is alright),Jagermeister(and mixed with cherry coke is good), Rolling Rock Beer,Beer, Mixed drinks, bodyboarding, watching the waves on a moonlit night, guys with long hair, guys with corpse paint(odd but I find it pretty hot), dreads (hot on some guys..SOME guys), the darker things in this world, glow sticks, black lights, neon things, crazy color hair dye, tattoos, fast cars, loud METAL music, Harleys(the motorcycle), demented things, I am a picky bitch with rich taste, deal with it!



Ok kiddies, let's get down to the fuckin' bone here...It SEEMS I have an ego; well, I don't. I am the down to earth type of gal that you'll love and I am fine with EVERYONE (unless you piss me off or back stab me..THEN I'll hate your ass!). The reason why it seems I have an ego is to spread the word that there are REAL WOMEN OF METAL out there and for the world to STOP BASING IT OFF OF JUYLIA AND METAL SANAZ(or what ever her dumb ass name is, she's a slutty dumb ass mom anyways..yes folks she has a kid..) Ok-Kindchen, wollen wir sich an den fuckin' Knochen hier heranmachen... Es SCHEINT, dass ich ein Ego habe; so, ich tue nicht. Ich bin unten zum Erdtyp des Mädchens, das Sie lieben werden und ich mit JEDEM fein bin (wenn Sie mich verrückt bekommen oder hinter mich stechen.. DANN werde ich Sie hassen!). Der Grund, warum es scheint, dass ich ein Ego habe, soll das Wort ausbreiten, dass es ECHTE FRAUEN VON METALL dort und für die Welt gibt, um AUFZUHÖREN, ES von JUYLIA UND METALLENEN SANAZ ZU STÜTZEN (oder was jemals ihr stummer Name ist, ist sie eine slutty stumme Mama anyways .. ja Leute sie hat ein Kind..)

I am the Queen of fuckin' metal..DEAL WITH IT BITCH. I have every right to call myself such because the great Ceaser of Rome is apart of my blood! Ich bin die Königin von fuckin' Metall.. BEFASSEN SIE SICH DAMIT WEIBCHEN. Ich habe jedes Recht, mich solchen zu nennen, weil Ceaser Roms einzeln meines Bluts ist!

Show your love...Zeigen Sie Ihre Liebe..PUT THIS ON YOUR MYSPACE
Thank you Rosie for making this flag!!

Yes, the Queen is a make up artist, shocking huh?

BTW if your going to act like a child and call me fat, goth, and waste your time with judgements, your not worthy of being in the kingdom of metal, you are a outcast..a poser..a loser with no life.
Wenn Sie Ihre Zeit mit Urteilen, Ihr nicht würdig vergeuden, im Königreich von Metall zu sein, sind Sie ein Abfall ... ein Verlierer ohne Leben.

I am anti Juylia and Metal Sanza, or what ever she's fuckin' called, they aren't metal, sorry. Just a warning.

Ich bin anti Juylia und Metallener Sanza, oder was jemals sie genannt wird, sind sie nicht Metall, schade. Gerade eine Warnung.

A sweet saying: You may call me whore, you may call me slut but I know you can't get enough

btw the full list of people that make me hot is way down(yes scroll down) to heros

I'd like to meet:

(Deutsch ist unten) I would like to meet, more people around my area who are like me. Also some fun, people that I could hang with and bug my offline friends on here. :-P (Nope, they can't hide from me!) People ALL OVER THE WORLD. Porno Kings, Queens, and strippers; you people fuckin' rock! And don't forget the people who love to rock out and party all night long!! The Dead/Alive: Johnny Depp!!!, Otep, Nikki Sixx, Jon Davis, James"Munky", Randy RhaodsR.I.P, Dime BagR.I.P, Dani Filth, and all the bands that I love major and underground. Ich möchte mich mehr Menschen um mein Gebiet treffen, die mir ähnlich sind. Auch etwas Spass, Leute, mit denen ich hängen und meine Off-Linefreunde auf hier verwanzen konnte.:-p (Nein, sie können sich nicht von mir verbergen!) Leute ÜBERALL AUF DER WELT. Pornokönige, Königinnen, und Stripteasetänzer; Sie Leute fuckin' Felsen! Und vergessen Sie die Leute nicht, die lieben, sich und Partei die ganze Nacht hindurch zu schaukeln!! Das Tote/lebendige: Johnny Depp!!!, Otep, Nikki Sixx, Jon Davis, James"Munky", Randy RhaodsR.I.P, Dime BagR.I.P, Dani Filth, und alle Bänder, die ich grösser und unterirdisch liebe.
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I support ALL the bands I know on myspace! I love you guys!! Ich unterstütze ALLE Bänder, die ich auf myspace weiß! Ich liebe Sie Kerle!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crimson Moon, Pathfinder, Vreid, Rotting Christ, Samael, DragonLord, Dark Funeral,Old Funeral, Deicide, Dimmu Borgir, Immolation, 1349, Agathodaimon, Finntroll, Meshuggah, Limbonic Art, Rvbicon, Satyricon, Lord Belial, Beyond The Sixth Seal, Belphegor, Naglfar, Otep, Exmortem, Naglfar, Old Mans Child, (old)Cradel Of Filth, Asphyx, Kataklysm, Gorefest, Internal Bleeding, Myrkskog, Sigh, Tsjuder, Antestor, Vader, Gutted, Dissection, High On Fire, Bolt Thrower, Carpathian Forest, Becoming The Archetype, Suffocation, Estuary Of Calamity, Cephalic Carnage, Incantation, Marduk, Carcass, Satyricon, Hypocrisy, Gorguts, Hades, Autopsy, Angel Corpse, Amorphis, Gorgoroth, The Crown, Death, Morbid Angel, Reaper, Emperor, Skinless, Nocturne, Grave, Light This City, Cryptopsy, Atrophy, Human Remains, Nasum, Helloween, Voivod, Manowar, Slayer, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, Dragonforce, Jag Panzer, Machine Head, Control Denied, KoRn, Black Label Society, Motorhead, King Diamond, Fear Factory, American Head Charge, Endo, Ringworm, My Dying Bride, Type O Negative, Ozzy, Dio, Alice Cooper, Damage Plan, Kittie, High On Fire, Pantera, Anthrax, Mudvayne, Isis, D.R.I., Cannae, EyeHateGod, Pro-Pain, Epidemic, Control Denied, Down The Sun, Static X, Coal Chamber, Murderdolls, Deathstars, Rammstein, Dry Kill Logic, Disturbed, Sepultura, Corrosion Of Conformity, Two, Powerman 5000, MDFMK, Rammstein, Godhead, Rob Zombie, HateBreed, SpineShank, Narnia, Adema, Vision Of Disorder, SoulFly, Vixtroia, Nine Inch Nails, Nitzer Ebb,Combi Christ, Attrition, Jane's Addiction, Nirvana, Life Of Agony, The Buzzhorn, Tourniquet, Alice In Chains, Staind, (old)Slipknot(I hate them now, really.There old stuff was better), A dozen furies, Seven Dust, Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, Cinderella, Twisted Sister, Britny Fox, Slaughter, Rumblefish, M. Manson, (old, with 1st singer)Drowning Pool, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Flaw, Tubeway Army, Kidney Thieves, Stone Temple Pilots, Rush, Course Of Nature, Earshot, Seether, Theory Of A Deadman, Mad At Gravity, Saliva, HIM(some..), Papa Roach(old), AFI(old), Suicidal Tendences, Sub Humans, Antiseen, Slaughter & The Dogs, Discharge, UK Subs, Crass, The Misfits, Rancid, Sid Vicious, The Casualties, The Distillers, Bones Brigade, Kings X, 3 Doors Down, Ministry, Three Days Grace(old), Hole, Veruca Salt, Garbage, No Doubt(only their old stuff, the new stuff sucks), Grave Danger, Dry Cell, 12 Stones, Incubus, Tricky(only one song), Puddle Of Mudd(old), The Flying Tigers, (old)Nickelback(old), Audioslave, Soundgarden, Jet(old), Rozz Williams, The Damned, The Smashing Pumpkins, Billy Corgan, Zwan, (old)Lost Prophets, (old)The Offspring, Older stuff from GC;they suck now, Linkin Park(older stuff), Modest Mouse(still, ok), Kottenmouth Kings(just fuckin' funny), Aaliyah(R.I.P. she had a great voice), (old, from my stoner days! haha!)Yeah Yeah Yeahs, London After Midnight, The Cure, Queens Of The Stone Age, (old 80's)U2, Taproot,(old, 80's flash back, much?) The Killers, (old)Interpol, The Chemical Brothers, Skinny Puppy, Depeche Mode, Luminary, Circle Of Dust, Mortalove, Orgy, DJ Icey, Subway To Sally, System F, GoldFrapp, DJ Tiesto, Ago, White Rose Movement, Juan Atkins, DJ Ruffstuff, Belushi, Adam Freeland, The Crystal Method, Gus Gus, Charles Feelgood, DJ Dara, Rejuvination, Ferry Corsten, Deftones, Dirty Vegas, The Dust Of Basement, DJ Sage, Diva Destruction, Recluse, Fictional, Z Prochek, Butterfly Messiah, Goth Minister, Bloody Dead And Sexy, Luke Slater, Derrick May, Sander Kleinenberg, Novakill, Artrosis, Illuminate, you can tell I like some soft stuff but hey,someone has to! Another odd thing, I like some classical music too like; Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, ect. MORE BANDS I LIKE ARE IN PICS BELOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


The Movie list!!!(which I have seen and enjoyed) Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Interview With The Vampire, Queen Of The Damned(Not like the book but good for today's crowd), Vampire Resurrection (filmed at my Uncle's house in Baton Rouge), Silent Movie(funny),The old Star Wars flims and Ep1(yes I like SW),Lord of the rings (all of them), GO, The Omen, Village Of The Damned, Saw II, Hostel, Taking Lives, Secret Window, History Of The World Part 1(funny!), The Grudge, Sleepy Hollow, The Exorcist, Alfred Hitchcock movies, M. Night Shyamalan Movies, The Ring, Gothika, Clockwork Orange, Pirates Of The Caribbean, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Bird Cage, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetlejuice, Big Fish, Casablanca, Gladiator, The Matrix(Seen all of them), Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Cleopatra, City Of Angels, What Dreams May Come, Lord Of The Rings(all of them), The Mummy Returns, Edward Scissor Hands, Forrest Gump, XXX(only like a few part of it..haha!), What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Romeo & Juliet, My Fair Lady, Pearl Harbor, The Terminal, Ocean's Eleven, Batman Returns, Strip Tease, XMen2, Amadeus, 2 Fast 2 Furious(funny), Blue Crush, Leslie Nielsen movies(He's very funny, seen most of his movies), Adam Sandler Movies, Jim Carrey Movies, Bubble Boy, The Adam's Family(Values&Weird Is Relative), Lord Of The G-Strings(FUNNY), Spider Babe(hot chick but bad effects)WANT TO SEE Saw, All Hollween movies, All Freddy movies, All Jason Movies, Death Factory, Bloody Vampire, The Iron Bound Vampire, Blood Sisters Vamps 1&2, The Sexy Adventures of Van Helsing, Lust For Dracula, Kinky Casting Couch, My Vampire Lover, Duct Tape Killer/ Silver Mummy, Lustful Addiction, An Erotic Vampire In Paris, Satan's School For Lust...Yeah a lot of porn is sum it all up! Hahaha!


STOP BREAKING DOWN MY CITY WALL!! http://damnmongolians.ytmnd.com/

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ METALOCALYPSE, History Channel!, SpongeBob, Invader Zim, Happy Tree Friends (online tv, oh well),Stand Alone Complex(Ghost In A Shell), My Life As A Teenage Robot :P, Angry Beavers, Rocko's Modern Life, South Park, Mad TV, Cold Case, CSI(bbllloooddd), Mad Mad House, My Dad The Rock Star, Stuff On www.fat-pie.com (crazy shit!),Any Girl On Girl PORN, Wonder Showzen, Tim and Eric Awesome show great job! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I do read..but it puts me to sleep or bores me everynow and then..so I gave up on reading foolish books...But some Anne Rice here and there isn't SO bad.


JOHANNES "Axeman" LOSBÄCK OF WOLF! (He proved to me rich and fame doesn't get to his head! Great guy!)
Blood And Death...All apart of our lives... Tim Burton, (my fav. annie rice vamps)Lestat, Marius, Khayman, Johnny Depp,Dime Bag Darrell, Bettie Page, Baby, Theda Bara, Agnes of Germany, Elisabeth of Bavaria, Bertha of Savoy Queen of Germany, Princess Viktoria of Prussia, Julius Ceaser, Artemisia Gentileschi, Laura La Plante, Bebe Daniels, Norma Talmadge,Billie Dove,Dorothy Mackaill,Helen Kane, Joan Crawford, Clara Bow, Katharine Hepburn, Colleen Moore, Leatrice Joy, Louise Brooks, Bette Davis,Diana Wynyard,Susan Hayward,Deborah Kerr, Ann-Margret, Alice White,Layne S.(of Alice In Chains), Jon Davis, Otep, Brandon Lee, Catwoman(hehe, but not the Haily Berry one..ew), Denice Duff! (I am still thankful for helping me find St. John Cem.) love ya girl! AND THE POWER OF ROCK N' ROLL AND FUCKIN' METAL!!!!!!
~~PEOPLE THAT MAKE ME HOT~~ Men: KURGAN!!!!! Munky(of KoRn), Tripp(ex Static X member), Peter Steele(Type O Neg.) Joey Jordison(Slipknot/muderdolls), Wednesday 13, Marilyn Manson, Trent Reznor(NIN, when he had long hair), Don (the vampire from mad mad house), Nikki Sixx(yes he is HOT, Motely Crue), Villie Valo(HIM), Alexi Laiho (Children Of Bodem),Henkka Blacksmith(cob), Janne Warman(cob), Jaska Raatikainen(cob), Eric Peterson (DragonLord), Shagrath(Dimmu Borgir and almost all the members too), All the members of Gorgoroth, All members of 1349, All members of DeathstarsWomen: Bettie Page(if only I could go back in time), Dita Von Tesse, Suicide girls(hope to be one soon as well! Never mind, they said no, fuckers. I hate SG now.), Adriana Lima, Otep, Angelina Jolie, Stacey Lee, Ziyi Zhang, Juliya(Fuse, I may disslike her but still won't stop me from fucking her and leaving her!) Strip club listings...if your that bored... Deja Vu Showgirls- North Hollywood - North Hollywood, California 7350 Coldwater Canyon Ave. North Hollywood, California, USA (818) 982-1100 Near: Hollywood Nude Club Table Dances 30 Female Dancers No Bar Drinks: $10 Snacks Min Age 18 No Dress Code Feature Acts Everyone WelcomeNude Couch Dance: $20 Topless Lap Dance: $20 Topless Table Dance: $20 Theme Room Dance: $20 Half Hour Dance: $150 Open Sun-Thur:12pm-3am Fri-Sat:12pm-4amCentury Lounge - Los Angeles, California 5601 W Century Blvd @ Aviation Blvd, Near LAX, next to the Hilton Los Angeles, California, USA (310) 641-6833Nude Club Private Dances 10-25 Female Dancers No Bar Drinks: $4.25 Snacks Min Age 18 No Dress Code No Features Everyone Welcome Open M-TH: 11am-2am F-Sa: 11am-4am Su: 6pm-2amExotic City - Los Angeles, California 10300 Glasgow Place La Cienega S Of Century Blvd Los Angeles, California, USA (310) 410-0678Nude Club Table Dances Female Dancers No Bar Drinks: $0 No Food No Dress Code No Features Everyone WelcomeFantasy Island Showgirls - Los Angeles, California 11434 W Pico Blvd W Los Angeles, California, USA (310) 444-5665Bikini Club Couch Dances Female Dancers Full Bar Drinks: $5 Lunch/Dinner Min Age 18 Dress Code Feature Acts Everyone Welcome4 Play - Los Angeles, California 2238 Cotner Ave N of Pico by 405N entrance Los Angeles, California, USA (310) 575-0660Nude Club Lap Dances Female Dancers No Bar Drinks: $6.50 Lunch/Dinner Min Age 18 No Dress Code No Features Everyone WelcomeBlue Zebra (was Industrial Strip) - North Hollywood, California 6872 Farmdale Ave N of Vanowen E of Lankershim North Hollywood, California, USA (800) 978-7479 Near: HollywoodNude Club Private Dances 50 Female Dancers No Bar Drinks: $5 No Food Min Age 18 Dress Code Feature Acts Everyone Welcome Open til 4am ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My Blog

worst day of my life

3 assholes at my work yelled at me....I come home to get dumped by the guy I was seeing because I want to start my family over in Germany and he doesn't....
Posted by Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH on Sat, 17 May 2008 11:09:00 PST

Last time I’ll sit and wait for a guy...

Was going to chill at his place after work. There is ALWAYS a parking issues at the condos where he lives. So he said he saved me a spot and to call before I leave about the parking and stuff I got of...
Posted by Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH on Wed, 14 May 2008 11:28:00 PST

What guys need to know....

Ok, here I go..if you where or think about even catching my eye you must be within these group/area of what I am about to write. If your not, don't even try. YOU MUST DRIVE! Or at least take the bus t...
Posted by Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 01:54:00 PST

laying down the law with Metal snaza and juliya followers

Well I hope they read this before they EVEN THINK about adding me. The dumb bitch you follow like a flock of sheep is mainstream. Admit that you are if you follow either of them! One of them called me...
Posted by Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:38:00 PST


Well, yep...my poor boobies! (HAHA I wonder how many men will randomly see this and read right away..Hmmm??!!) Well, on the last day on the Esc. faire I was a viking...but half naked, so now the tops ...
Posted by Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:33:00 PST

Strange things....

 I am keeping strong after my, oh so grand, brake up. It has become pretty loney most of the time. Even after the only man I took a liking towards after my brake up put m...
Posted by Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 05:30:00 PST

Well..the only guy I liked turned me down..again.

Sorry if this seems emo, but deal. I am dumb for even liking him..at all. He doesn’t want me that way, but no...my feelings go out of my control and the liking started again. I met him early la...
Posted by Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 01:33:00 PST

I have become a picky bitch and my perfect type of man. If you care.

Well, it seems I now have an issue with brown eyes...It makes me think of dirt or something; on guys. I have guys friends with brown eyes, yes, but with them I don’t care because they are just f...
Posted by Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:57:00 PST

What’s been going on...what the summer ahead

Well nothing much as of late. I been tempted to study the art of bellydancing. Yeah..I know that’s not metal to you BUT I want to try this out. I have a few moves down but it’s hard withou...
Posted by Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 05:00:00 PST

The madness!!!

Alright... Yesterday my friend called who lives in the valley and said,"Oh wanna chill and go to a show?" I said yes and drove as quickly as I could to reach his place to make it to the show at the kn...
Posted by Queen Demon Doll Of Metal©{CA BB}KOMH on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:47:00 PST