Africa. Adventure. Bagpiping. Scuba Diving. Hot Air Ballooning. Everything else.
Maureen Dowd, Benjamin Franklin, Barack Obama, Barbara Boxer, JRR Tolkien, Goerge Lucas, Sandra Bullock
Mark Knopfler, John Barry, James McMurtry, Toots, Bob Marley, Led Zep, Bach, Mozart, THE HELLECASTERS!
Note the jetpack in the background....
I pulled the cable, but Lost on iTunes is GREAT! Where are TNG and XFiles when you need them?
Actually, authors: Kipling, Tolkien, Fleming, Laurie King, Orson Scott Card, William Gibson, Hemingway, Peter Capstick (Death in the Long Grass), Doyle, Dinasen, Roark
My wife, my daughter, James Bond, Indiana Jones, Darth Vader, Warren Zevon, Strider