Drink babies, drink. profile picture

Drink babies, drink.

I haven't always had a beard. It just seems that way.

About Me

this:OH my achin' hands from rakin' in grands and breakin' in mic stands. Honestly, we prefer to be called Appalachian-Americans, with necks of Color ..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

Getting more tattoos, School, other people, Reading, Activities.... well... interests change so often that i just don't know. And, also, oral-sex.

I'd like to meet:

Ghandi, You, Bruce Willis and Eddie Izzard for a pint at a pub sometime. Tough question... pretty much everyone if i had the time.


music by redd Radiohead, Les Savy Fav, MF Doom, The Smiths, Metalica, Modest Mouse, Krezip, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, Nicky Nick and the Nicktones, Not Nickelback at all (fuckers), Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Cryptopsy, Zao, Low, Metric, Lost Sounds, Death From Above, Mayhem, !!!, The Eagles of Death Metal, Rod Steward, Nuetral Milk Hotel, Muse, Pinback, The White Stripes, The Faint, Rocket from the Crypt, The Beatles, Clinic, Tribe, Wu-Tang, Snoop and Dre, Gravediggaz, ODB (r.i.p.),Talib Kweli, The Roots, J5, U2, Nora Jones, Donovan Frankenrighter, The man in black (you know), Tom Waits, Obo Martin, Mingus, a little Celine Dion, Matt Grundy (my hero), a lot of old stuff, Jeff Buckley, Geoff Erath, Jude, Nick Drake, Damian Rice, Belle and Sebastian, Rage Against the Machine, Eso-Charis, Elton John, The Cramps, Minor Threat, Every Move a Picture, Louis, Louis, Pac, Biggie, The Lovemakers, Tegan and Sara, of Montreal, Motorhead, MegaDeath, Kanye, Le Tigre, Jay-Z, Hot Water Music, Lauren Hill, Modeski Martin and Wood, Sublame, Immortal Technique, PumkinHead, Mos Def, Dillinger Escape Plan, Meshugga, The Misfits, Iggy, Your Mother, Victor Wooten, Flogging Molly, Jimmy, Black Eyed Peas... but mostly before that chick came around, Method Man, Miles, John, Charlie, Bruce Rogers, Zeppelin, Sly, Ben Folds Five, the Pixies, The Cure, The Clash, a whole lot of locals; and Lately I have been super-hard into the Beasty Boys, Magnetic Fields, Ramones, and GreenDay, like they're going out of fucking style or like they're new or something, and that one song about her humps is pretty fresh. move by yourself.....jay leno

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Fight Club, The Boondock Saints, Lock Stock, Snatch, The Big Lebowski, Me Myself and Irene, The Long Kiss Goodnight, Hard Boiled, Army of Darkness, Evil Dead II, The Princess Bride, Flight of The Navigator, Tombstone, Life Aquatic, Rushmore, Royal... Pretty much anything those dudes make, Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, High Fidelity, Better Off Dead, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Old School, Batman (all Tim Burton), Back to the Future (I, II, & III), Say Anything, Sixteen Candles, Mallrats (viewaskew, etc.), Breakfast Club, True Romance, Beetlejuice, The Fifth Element, Breakfast at Tiffany's, St. Elmos Fire, Best in Show, THE IRON GIANT, A Mighty Wind, Big Trouble in Little China, Life is Beautiful, Batman Begins, Caddyshack, Kindergarden Cop, Wedding Crashers, Crash, Rodeo Queens, Dr. Strangelove, All of the movies with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, Braveheart, The Golden Child, Dress to Kill, If Looks Could Kill, Quicksilver, Xmen, National Lampoons Animal House, ANYTHING THAT WAS DIRECTED BY, WRITTEN BY, OR STARRING Harold Ramis!, The Messenger, Adaptation, Casablanca,The Sandlot, Aladin, Indiana Jones Trilogy, The Matrix(s), Napolean Dynamite, Anything with Jim Henson's Muppeteering, Dr. Strangelove, A Shot in The Dark, Coming to America... there are so many more movies that i love..the list goes on and on, IN my heart. (teary eyed)


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Choke-Fight Club-love Chuck P., Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickins, Hunter S. Thompson, Holy Wars, Welcome to the Monkey House, Manufacturing Consent, The Peoples History of the United States, Nickled and Dimed... blah. I think I like Non-fiction the best. Books are nice. Lists are nice. I'm done.


Loree TamanahaJerry (my little brother)

My Blog

The only survey Ive ever done. So awful.

1. What does your MySpace headline mean? Ahh... I guess it means, I have some kind of "out of work trucker"-genetics.  I have a body that wears hobo really well.&...
Posted by Drink babies, drink. on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 06:45:00 PST

inquire within

I am really sick.  Literally, figuratively, and tired.  I don't know whats wrong with me...  I am really bummed today.  I can't snap this bad mood, and I think that it's the reason...
Posted by Drink babies, drink. on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 07:35:00 PST

Hey there buddy

Who wants to drink til we can feel anymore?  Give me a call then.
Posted by Drink babies, drink. on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 01:34:00 PST

I would really appreciate a you

Help me.  I need a graphic artist, and a photographer... for a few intimate hours of exploration and experimentation.   Who's in?  The whipped cream is on me.  Literally.
Posted by Drink babies, drink. on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 09:44:00 PST


IF you don't know, you soon will.BAY TO BREAKERS: In the year of out lord, 2006, it will mark the 95th year. The race was founded as a way to help lift the spirit of San Francisco after the infamous 1...
Posted by Drink babies, drink. on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 02:27:00 PST

Is this an isolated incident?

I LOVE YOU. LOVE YOU. LOVE. you.you know who you are... and when you read this don't question it. Just know it's you.
Posted by Drink babies, drink. on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 02:58:00 PST

I swallowed my fingernail-clippers.

true Ok. No more bulletins. Ever. Don't. No. Bad. StopIt's just a whimsical blog that you're trying to force everone to read. A capricious molestation of my time. Fuck. Even if you think for a sec...
Posted by Drink babies, drink. on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:46:00 PST

ready..... on three!

Ok.  So what to do now?  I really like San Francisco.  I love it.  But, I'm used to it.   Do I move to Seattle and become sad?  Do I move to New York and become bus...
Posted by Drink babies, drink. on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 02:19:00 PST

Listen to this shit.

I was just checking out   www.1077thebone.com  to see how our lovely Alley Bones is doing in the Bone Rock Girl Contest.  And, holy fuck, she's losing.  She has made it throug...
Posted by Drink babies, drink. on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 05:36:00 PST


Prepare yourself for the length, grab a glass of water, perhaps a snack for half-way, like 'bastian in The Neverending Story. Ready? OK...I dress like a bum. Like, a really hot bum, with lots of money...
Posted by Drink babies, drink. on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 12:29:00 PST