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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I like free beer when we play shows. Buy me one and I'll pretend to do a request. I play guitar. I sing. I make up lyrics that either get laughs or cold piercing stares. I will mc your event that you haven't planned and try and make it look like a Telemundo outake. I don't speak spanish. I think its cool that some pornstars speak greek. I play halo2. My gamer tag is likme. It does not stand for like me. I think I am a video game addict. If your going to tell people that you have a cup in and that its ok to kick you in the nuts you better really have a cup in. I think coffee is a religion. I think tea is cool because you can get up from your desk at three o'clock. I have a +3 ring of invisibility,a vorpal sword, and a paladin's shield for my ninja character that was created from the players handbook suplement in dragon magazine number 20. I can spin pillows, blow spit bubbles, gleek, and moonwalk.

My Interests

laughing cow cheese, easy cheese, cheezits and your mom.

I'd like to meet:

like minded infomercial junkies who want to visit. Open


Yes please. Stairway to iowa done and gone. Click on them from my friends and listen to the songs. We played a few shows and had a lot of fun. Lately I'm playing at the Essanay Cafe on tuesdays.


C'est arrivé près de chez vous (man bites dog) trippy mocumentary about a serial killer. I don't like watching sci fi or vfx movies on my free time.


way to much. I should unplug it but then I wouldn't know whats up with the reality shows.


geek love kathryn dunn...cheesy whodunit novels


my pop. my mom. my bro. My buddy who takes so many friggin vacations that I am jealous as frruct. The inventor of the real doll, George Bush's speech writer, oh and Neil Leiberman (The Comedy Coach®) the king of the shameless plug.

My Blog

I jammed with the tuvans

last night at 10:30 I was trying to get to sleep and I got a call from mcnevin. "A couple of the tuvans are over at the shop and they want to jam" Having seen them perform twice in the past couple o...
Posted by page on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 10:46:00 PST