I'm expecting a baby in August! Life has changed quite a bit in the past few months and I welcome what lies ahead. I'm realizing more and more that people never know exactly what the future holds but always end up exactly where we were meant to be.
A Few Random Facts:
I like the 'Bucks a lot. It's my dirty little habit. I know, I know... globalization, economic imperialism, etc. I'm a bad person!
I think the way people move their mouths tells a lot about them. It's one of the top contributors in my first impressions of people.
Italy is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen, and I cannot wait to go back with my family.
My dad still calls me Worm and Brat.
Pajamas are my favorite attire.
Despite the fact that my job revolves around internet communication, I type with two fingers. I am way faster than you, though... trust me.
Don't ever talk shit on Google or Apple in front of me. I will beat you up.
When "cooking," I can burn anything. I'm telling you: ANYTHING. I've burned water before.
My favorite condiment is mayo. That makes me a fat-ass, I know.
I cannot stand the word moist. The dictionary should be stripped of it. No, seriously.
My baby is an asshole. S/he is already proving to be as difficult as both me and his/her father (i.e. refuses to get into a position which will allow us to identify the sex). S/he is grounded immediately upon birth.
My boyfriend's band MRNORTH is AMAZING! Get their new album Fear & Desire on iTunes or Amazon ! :)
Hope you can make it out!! :)