Keith Fullerton Whitman profile picture

Keith Fullerton Whitman

About Me

Keith Fullerton Whitman is a composer/performer obsessed with electronic music; from its mid-century origins in academic studios in Europe straight on through contemporary bedroom "digital music."
Currently he is working towards implementing a complete system for live performance of improvised electronic music that incorporates elements from nearly every era: a reel-to-reel tape machine, a selection of small "jerry-rigged" / "circuit-bent" battery-powered sound-producing boxes, an analog modular synthesizer, an early "consumer" home-computer, and at the core; a contemporary computer running a custom-built Max-MSP based modular system that both controls these elements and acts as a central conduit into which their sounds are captured/collected, processed, then diffused to up to eight separate channels/speakers/amplifiers.
He is also, at present, composing an as-of-yet untitled piece for Egyptian Oud, Serge and Doepfer Analog Modular Synthesizers, and computer control/processing. It is his first through-composed long-form work.
Keith, 33, lives in Somerville, MA, USA with Robyn "Petra-Pixm" Belair and their child; a Korat named "Dribcots."
He has been known to dabble in "virtuoso" "electronic dance music" under many stage names/pseudonyms, most notably Hrvatski (but also Gai/Jin, ASCIII, Anonymous, Assassassinator X, The Superlatives, etc...).
His current (05/06) favorite albums are ::
Jon Appleton & Don Cherry "Human Music" (Flying Dutchman FDS-121) 1970
Pierre Henry "Mise en Musique du Corticalart de Roger Lafosse" (Philips 6521 022) 1971
Ã…kos Rozmann "Images of the Dream and Death" (Phono Suecia PS 27) 1974-1977 / 1990
Dariush Dolat-Shahi "Electronic Music, Tar and Sehtar" (Folkways FTS 37464) 1985
Pink Floyd "1967: The First 3 Singles" (EMI M31001) 1997
He loves to travel. He hates to cook.
recent recordings:
all of the above, plus approximately 1200 other cherry-picked electronic & experimental music titles are available directly from kfw via his mail-order record shop, mimaroglu music sales :

My Interests


Member Since: 1/19/2006
Band Website:
Influences: Andre Almuro, Amon Düül, Pierre-Andre Arcand, François Bayle, Blue Humans, Anthony Braxton, Anton Bruhin, Sandy Bull, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Stuart Dempster, Tod Dockstader, Dariush Dolat-Shahi, Terry Fox, Harmonia, Heldon, Pierre Henry, High Rise, H.N.A.S., Joe Jones, Basil Kirchin, Lasry-Baschet, Douglas Leedy, George Lewis, Anestis Logothetis, Merzbow, Ilhan Mimaroglu, My Bloody Valentine, New Blockaders, Daphne Oram, Organum, Charlemagne Palestine, Paul Panhuysen, Pink Floyd, Ramleh, Eliane Radigue, Terry Riley, Josef Anton Riedl, Akos Rozmann, Remko Scha, Conrad Schnitzler, Seefeel, Skullflower, Träd Gräs och Stenar, David Tudor, Voice Crack, Simon Wickham-Smith & Richard Youngs, Trevor Wishart, LaMonte Young, etc...
Record Label: Kranky, Entschuldigen
Type of Label: Indie