twilight. quiet. music. anything grapefruit-flavored. traveling by ferry. ironing. poetry. oysters. naps. documentaries. grammar and usage. conversation. etymology. singing along with the car stereo. proofreading. small towns. dirt roads. lavender. maps. the ocean at night. the way the air smells during electrical storms. kindness.
Dylan Thomas, Tom Waits, Charles Baudelaire
Would not like to meet: Bands who send generic email to everyone on another band's list. It's spam, I don't care if we both like Sparklehorse!
perpetual rotation = mingus, bach, palace of bonnie prince will oldham, tom waits, alasdair roberts, sparklehorse, velvet underground, creepy old-timey folk songs, godspeed you black emperor, anything played by glenn gould.
also: the critique of pure reason
Barry Lyndon, Fitzcarraldo, Into Great Silence, Manhattan, Matewan, The Proposition, Night Watch, Wings of Desire, Helvetica
Not so much.
Mark Strand, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, John Berryman, Henry James, Dylan Thomas, Walt Whitman, Elizabeth Bishop, James Joyce, George Eliot, John Ashbery, Frank O'Hara, Ezra Pound, John Irving. Also, modern/contemporary drama, literary biography, dictionaries, and travel guidebooks.
Emily Dickinson, Peggy Guggenheim, Frederick Law Olmsted, Charles Willson Peale.