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Pretty Monster

You can have your poor.... tired.... hungry... masses. Your regurgitated... lower classes.- Todd Ada

About Me

So, stuff about me......
I eat in shifts, I feel lazy if I sleep over 5 hours a day, I'll eat food that has sat out for about 4 hours, I hate stubly legs and razor burn,I like bad 80's love songs and sing really loud when I'm comfortable, I'm not marriage material, but I am flexible and will call myself an amateur contortionist even though I'm not motivated enough to do anything that isn't easily replicated from Cirque De Soleil.

I play a 4 string Fender jazz bass and I really don't care about what you think on fender, bass, the jazz bass vs. the p bass or any other obnoxious comments you may have.
HMMM, I have a really lame sense of humor (even though I'm Jewish and black, guess it didn't rub off.) I like corny jokes told with flair. My expectations of people are ENTIRELY too high. I tend to completely change all my offline friends every few weeks. I want to talk to my new friends non-stop for about 2 weeks, then I don't really like them anymore. They break.

I just read this quote and was deeply moved by it. "We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often."
This is a poem Kim wrote about me that is somewhat less moving, but moving nonetheless! ;)
The poem of the greatest vegan Jew I know. I love her.... For those who tend to roam I offer up my home. Little do they know, all the perks that fall in toe. You like my moans of ecstasy, you know you wish you could watch me. You like my vegan dishes, it leads to so many wishes. My flatulence is inspiring, my methane leads to crying. My knowledge is vast, you don't like me, then kiss my ass. I'm Jewish and damn proud of it, my wicked style you covet. If you still want to converse, make the cursor reverese. Add me as a friend, I'll bore with you in the end. But don't punk out because of my rhyme, I'll bitch slap you anytime.
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

The revolutionaries of today...............
Animal and civil right activists and passionate writers. People who do something for other people. People who do something besides live their lives day in and day out without ever really affecting anyone else in a deep or positive way. People who put more into action than lip service. People who spend time really helping causes, instead of just telling other people where they're going wrong. People who are DOING SOMETHING with their lives!!!!!There are proactive and reactive people on both sides of the fence and I wanna be "in" with the proactives!

Ohh yeah, and John Cooper did that swell thing with the plant and the horse and the guy and all that jazz.


I'm in a rut lately, it's just been 80-90s punk and 90s hipitty hop. Some rap, oldies, rockabilly, alt, a bit of metal, jazz, and swing. I'm kinda starting to like the texas rock........ I like really bad stereotypical jewish songs (havenu shalom alechem). Bands I like are... Misfits (with or without Danzig), NOFX, MXPX (minimally), Danzig, G'n'R, Emilie Autumn, Social Distortion, Tori Amos, Babes In Toyland, Violent Femmes, Depeche Mode, The Cure, The Clash, KISS, Dead Boys, Ramones, Rancid, kinda still feeling Weezer but not so much the new weezer shit. Ohh yeah, and Everclear.


marx brothers,horror and action movies, I liked the LOTR trilogy and Star Wars 1-3(because Christopher Lee is kinda sexy).Uhmmm, Suicide Kings, Happiness, lots of Tim Burton flicks, and anything campy is good.Ohh yeah and DONNIE DARKO WAS OVER RATED!!!!!


Starved, it's always sunny in philadelphia, and girlfriends. Black and White was okay. I really like shows about transgender, intersex, and dwarfs.


just finished Cornel West "race matters" for the second time. I got stuck reading self help books for about a week. that sucked. I've been reading more on race and gender issues in the US.My all time favorite book is still Flavor of The Month. I'll read anything from Dorothy Parker.


none. Sorry, I'm just not into hero worship.

My Blog

sweet or creepy?

Uhmm, So the other night when I was asleep.....Todd took some pictures of my foot.  About 8 pictures. Yeap.  What the hell is that?
Posted by Pretty Monster on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:40:00 PST

Just some random stuff about me.

So, I've always thought that artifical raspberry flavor taste like Ny-Quil. Now I know that artifical mango kinda tastes like B.O. I am NOT a good friend for people who need to be needed.  Seriou...
Posted by Pretty Monster on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 06:19:00 PST

Damn Good Advice!

I posed a question to a friend of mine and this was his exact quote. I'm sure several people can and will look into this and that's okay.  They probably should.  Truthfully, I think eve...
Posted by Pretty Monster on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:00:00 PST


Of course, I don't actually know the full story of Lent or all the reasoning behind it, BUT I work with a family that is celebrating Lent and I'm kinda jealous! Last night they had the ashes on their ...
Posted by Pretty Monster on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 05:00:00 PST


Once you have been tagged you can't be re-tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 15 people to be tagged and list their na...
Posted by Pretty Monster on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:24:00 PST


I had a pretty rough week last week and it has turned around with a fierce vengance this week! So, I've gone out the past 2 weekends and ran into friends I don't always get to see so often. ...
Posted by Pretty Monster on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 02:04:00 PST

End of Kim.....

So, Kim left to go live with her family today. Kim is a friend of mine who I went to high school with, was in a play with, but really didn't get to know until the past year or so.  Knowing that I...
Posted by Pretty Monster on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 09:54:00 PST

Where is my life going?!?!?!

So I wake up at about 1pm.  I pitter around for a bit then Todd send me to the store for some sugar for his coffee.  I throw on my dirty clothes from last night, a pair of flip flops and lea...
Posted by Pretty Monster on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 12:34:00 PST

myspace survey

Here's that generic survey that everyone has on their page.  I wouldn't post in on my page, but felt a blog was a good spot for it.   TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:JamieBirthday:5-...
Posted by Pretty Monster on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 07:35:00 PST

Inspired by Kendall

So my friend Kendall posted a blog with things that she can/will never say to people but wants to or should.  It got me thinking about the things I've wanted to say and never have so I decided to...
Posted by Pretty Monster on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:56:00 PST