Dig Comics
is the self-publishing studio of creator/writer Miguel Cima. Debut release
The Binder , an epic horror/adventure comic exploring mythologies and mysticism, is scheduled for a 2007 release.
Please also visit these sites for more information and art from Miguel and his amazing team of artists:
Miguel Cimawww.miguelcima.com
Jeff Purveswww.jeffpurves.com
Dame Darcywww.damedarcy.com
Avery Butterworthwww.mergerstudios.com
When supernatural forces threaten our world, THE BINDER
pulls from his mystic bottomless bag of tricks to restore the balance. THE BINDER is an intricately-woven horror/fantasy epic presented in a series of digestible and self-contained storyarcs. Each story takes place at different points in THE BINDER's life, illustrated by the artist best suited for the tale.
The series debut reveals the beginning of THE BINDER's career. After preparing for his new role in the amorphous dimension called the Happenstance, THE BINDER must survive a mind-bending ritual in order to gain access to his magic bag. Meanwhile, the ancient demon called Gurngul has been released from his 1000-year old prison, and our world may not survive!
Each issue will have a 22-page main story and a 5-page back-up story by a different artist. For the first issue, the back-up story depicts Binder later in life ornately illustrated by the incomparable DAME DARCY (Meatcake)! THE BINDER teams up with a witch to defeat a band of homicidal demons. But even THE BINDER can't resist the witch's mysterious ecstasy effect!
THE BINDER pulls from mythologies and original concepts studied, experienced, and conceived by creator/writer MIGUEL CIMA.
THE BINDER Issue 1 is targeted for a 2007 release from Dig Comics. Visit www.miguelcima.com for more information.