earthychic profile picture


meet my alter ego.......

About Me

I bet you wanna know where I got this slick ass profile editor from

My Interests

I'm earthychic!

This is the 3D me.
Make your own,
and we both get Coinz!

I'd like to meet:

Darfur, Sudan is home to the worst humanitarian crisis today. 400,000 have died. 2,500,000 have been left homeless. Thousands of girls and woman have been beaten and raped. 3,500,000 are starving to death. Do you care? "Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander"



The Color Purple (seriously, I know EVERY line... do not challenge me I will win); Color Purple

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Sex and the City (of course I'm the black Carrie Bradshaw, except I had to let my "Big" go); ANTM; The Sopranos; Desperate Housewives; Laguna Beach (I don't know why, perhaps I was a teenage white girl in another life); Oprah; Andy Milonakis Show (can you believe this mafuka is almost 30 years old acting like that? hilarious); Law and Order: SVU; Grey's Anatomy (recently jumped on the bandwagon with this one... I think we all have a McDreamy)


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My Blog

song cry...

Yo, this is crazy. Saturday about noon I'm chillin in the house and the tv is on, I'm kinda watching, kinda doing other stuff. So, the video for "Song Cry" comes on and I stop what I'm doing...
Posted by EARTHYCHIC on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 09:40:00 PST